Y. I. KORABLEV. Defending the Gains of the Great October Socialist Revolution (October 1917 - February 1918)
The article briefly reviews the theoretical foundations and principles of organizing the defence of the gains of the Great October Socialist Revolution and socialism, which were formulated for the first time by V. I. Lenin. The author analyzes the Soviet experience of smashing the bourgeois army and using some of the links of the old military machine in the interests of defending the revolution. The article graphically shows how perseveringly the Communist Party and Soviet government tried to find new ways and forms of building up the revolutionary Armed Forces in the conditions marked by the victory of the dictatorship of the proletariat in one country taken singly, highlighting the first steps in the field of army organization up to the signing, of the peace of Brest-Litovsk.
E. S. PETROPAVLOVSKY. Some Aspects of Source Research in the Materials of All-Russian Congresses, Conferences and Meetings of the RSDLP
The article is devoted to some questions of source research in the documents of prerevolutionary congresses, conferences and meetings of the RSDLP held in the period from 1898 to 1917. These documents were highly valued and often used by V. I. Lenin and by many Social-Democrats during that period, and are extensively drawn upon by Soviet and foreign historians in our days. The author clearly shows that the minutes, resolutions, summary reports and other documents of RSDLP congresses, conferences and meetings represent not only one of the chief sources for studying the history of the CPSU and the theory of Marxism-Leninism, but also constitute the most valuable source shedding light on many aspects of Russian history at the close of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. The article examines the general and specific conditions of the genesis of the materials of RSDLP congresses, conferences and meetings (the illegal position of the Party under tsarism, the existence of different factions in it, the specific character of taking minutes as distinct from stenographic records, -etc.) and maps out the tasks of studying them on the basis of available sources,
L. V. CHEREPNIN, V. T. PASHUTO. The Formation of the Centralized Russian State in the Comparative Historical Aspect (16th - 17th Centuries)
The formation of the centralized Russian multinational state undoubtedly represents a progressive phenomenon in world history. The authors make a comparative historical, typological comparison of the. centralized Russian state with other analogical states at a similar stage of their development. It is graphically shown in the article that the strengthening of the. centralized Russian state had profound historical traditions and was accompanied by the law-governed political decline of other ethnically heterogeneous states which had come into being on the European territory of our country or extended their rule over it. For all its peculiarities and distinctive features the centralized Russian state formed an organic link in the rising system of European, states in the epoch of Europe's transition from feudalism to capitalism.
Y. I. TITKOV. The Historic Achievements of People's Mongolia
The article examines the principal stages of Mongolia's development along the non- capitalist path, of her advance to socialism without having to go through the painful capitalist stage. The author describes the two basic stages of the people's revolution: the general democratic (1921 - 1940) and the socialist, brings out the distinctive features and the difficulties attending the process of building up a socialist economy, effecting collectivization in agriculture and carrying out a cultural revolution in Mongolia. The article makes a point of stressing the leading role exercised by the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party in building socialism in the Mongolian People's Republic. Paramount importance is attached by the author to the ties of fraternal friendship and close cooperation binding the U.S.S.R. and the M.P.R., to Mongolia's participation in the Council of Mutual Economic Assistance.
стр. 222
G. I. SVIATOV. U. S. Policy in the Sphere of Armaments
The article examines U. S. policy in the field of armaments. The author analyzes a number of state documents (Presidential messages, reports by Defericp Secretaries, etc.) and research works by American scientists. These arid other materials enable the author tq draw the conclusion that the Soviet Union's consistent peace policy, the tangible relaxation of international tension and the signing of Soviet-American agreements on the limitation of armaments have brought about a certain quantitative lessening of the armaments race in the U.S.A. in the first half of the seventies, although the improvement and perfection of armaments is continuing at a high rate. Owing to the efforts of the enemies of detente the U. S. military budget has begun to soar again in real terms during the past two or three years. This is coupled with the further intensification of the armaments race in the U.S.A. All the peace-loving forces both in the United States and beyond its borders must redouble their efforts and work persistently to curb this dangerous race in armaments.
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