Indian Digital Library, repository and archive (PLATFORM FOR AUTHORS №1)
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ELIB.ORG.IN is a digital library, repository and archive for the preservation of scientific and literary works of Indian and foreign authors. The project works on the principles of free participation: everyone can register and save their scientific or literary works. Read and publish with ELIB.ORG.IN!

PLATFORM'S TARGET AUDIENCE: Scientists · Teachers · Students · Writers · Researchers · Archivists · Publishers · Famous figures
Printing was, as is well known ,one of the necessary prerequisites for bourgeois development. 1 However, broad circles of readers are not always aware of the trials that both those who published and those who were published often went through at that time.…
5 days ago
Aggravation of national relations in a number of Western European countries in the 60-70s of the XX century. it helped to increase the interest of foreign science in the history of small nations and peoples that are now part of multinational capitalist sta…
5 days ago
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983. 256 p. The founders of scientific communism were the first to reveal the interdependence of the British labour movement and the national liberation movement in Ireland. They noted that the suppression of national liberation forces…
5 days ago
НЕ обезболивайте, не отключайте меня от меня Светлана Алексиевич работает сейчас над новой книгой. На сей раз автор "Чернобыльской молитвы" и "Цинковых мальчиков" пишет о любви. Как и предыдущие книги писательницы, "Чудный олень вечной охоты" - это художес…
7 days ago
To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory During the Great Patriotic War, the Northern Sea Route was an important transport communication through which military and national economic transportation was carried out. There are two groups of messages ident…
7 days ago
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1981. 374 p. Although the book by G. P. Kuropyatnik, a senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, is devoted to a relatively small period in the history of Russi…
7 days ago
In the history of the British trade union movement, an important place is occupied by the struggle of trade unions against the Taff court decision and its consequences. This aspect of the history of the Taff affair has not been the subject of much study. I…
7 days ago
The study of the 28-year period of English history-from the restoration of the "legitimate" Stuart monarchy in 1660 to the "glorious revolution" of 1688-1689-is of undoubted scientific and theoretical interest. The study of various problems of restoration …
7 days ago
American bourgeois historians, when studying the colonial period of US history, usually emphasize the "exclusivity" and "democracy" of the development of the English colonies in North America. The situation in the English colony of New York, which until 16…
7 days ago
Published in 1836. In Sovremennik, John Tanner, a review of the book by an American who was abducted as a child by Indians and lived among them for 30 years, A. S. Pushkin described American bourgeois democracy: "For some time now, the North American State…
8 days ago
The study of fascism and polemics on general methodological problems, as well as on certain aspects of its history, politics and ideology, has been conducted for half a century. Correct coverage of the history of fascism has not only scientific but also po…
8 days ago
To the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1982. 277 p. Victory of the USSR and its Armed Forces in the GO rear over the rear of Nazi Germany. The Great Patriotic War had one thing-a particularly prominent role in achieving the tempor…
8 days ago
Modern American historians study many aspects of the history of the Russian city during the feudal period. Most of all, their attention is drawn to such aspects of urban life in Russia as the urban system, city management, urban autonomy, the state and the…
8 days ago
The problems of Soviet-British relations have always attracted the attention of Soviet historians. Their works deal in detail with such important issues as the objective prerequisites for the development of these relations in various fields, the struggle b…
8 days ago
M. International relations. 1983. 288 p. Associate Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Candidate of Historical Sciences A. Yu.Borisov devoted his book to Soviet - American relations du…
8 days ago
In the heroic chronicle of the Great Patriotic War, 1945 rightfully occupies a special, honorable place. Its first months were marked by the successful conduct of a number of major operations of the Red Army in Central and South-Eastern Europe, which ended…
8 days ago
Sphragistics is a special historical discipline, the subject of which is seals (matrices and impressions). In the traditional view, a seal attached or attached to a document is a sign certifying its legal force, indicating its origin and confirming its aut…
9 days ago
In 1901, the English financier d'Arcy received a concession to develop oil in Iran. This was the beginning of the largest oil monopoly, British Petroleum Co., one of the seven multinational corporations currently operating in the capitalist world for the t…
9 days ago
L. Nauka. 1983. 287 p. The reviewed book, written by V. A. Ushakov, a senior researcher at the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Soviet History of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Candidate of Historical Sciences, is one of the few monographic studi…
9 days ago
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1984. 352 p. A new book by Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences E. V. Gutnova is devoted to the history of the Western European peasantry in the …
9 days ago
The purpose of All aTwitter is in direction of Deliver guests a thorough or quirky seem to be, for the duration of the special lens of Twitter, at the Commanders, the NFL, and sports ac…
11 days ago
In just talking about the problem the club unearths alone in just with Stephen Strasburg, who labored his course back again versus surgical procedure for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in the direction of deliver a person commence within the majors this year jus…
11 days ago
The Boston Red Sox took the ending today, 6-4, over the Chicago White Sox, to divide the four-game series. A blown save resulted in added innings, and the bullpen and crime was unable to started off the scoring in the top of the 4th off of Chris Flexen. Ja…
11 days ago
Time: 7:10 CentralWeather: Missing Out On the Dome, feasible haze, begin temp 37 Challenger's dogged SB website: Federal BaseballTV: Fox9+ network 9-2 in Twin Cities). Radio: The sound slept happily to by several, ideally not when drivingNationals starter …
11 days ago
The fifth colloquium of historians of the USSR and the United States1 , dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and the United States of America, was held in Kiev on July 11-14, 1984. The coll…
12 days ago
On June 1, 1983, well-experienced English readers were surprised to read the statement of the Prime Minister of England, M. Thatcher, in the newspapers. It formulated the policy of the British Government in the field of nuclear armaments1 . This statement …
13 days ago
(Dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the YALTA AND POTSDAM CONFERENCE) In the history of international relations, there are events whose significance is fully revealed over time. Among such outstanding events, a prominent place belongs to the Crimean (Yal…
13 days ago
M. Molodaya gvardiya. 1984. 400 p. In the book of a prominent Soviet international scholar, Director of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences, corresponding member. A. N. Yakovlev analyzes the policy and…
13 days ago
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1983. 175 p. The book by I. M. Savelyeva, a researcher at the Institute of International Labor Movement of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, attempts a comprehensive analysis of the ideological and politica…
13 days ago
KRWGSWENDE: Dezember 1941. Referate und Diskussionsbeitrage des internationalen historischen Symposiums in Stuttgart von 17. bis 19. September 1981. Koblenz. 1984. 268 S. Under this title, the proceedings of the international Symposium of historians, held …
13 days ago
The last quarter of the nineteenth century was characterized by the expansion of the socialist movement. In many countries, political parties of the working class emerged, guided by the theory of scientific socialism. In England, the first organization to …
13 days ago
Diminishing the Nuclear Threat. NATO's Defence and New Technology, Lnd. 1984. 63 p. In 1980, the British Atlantic Committee (BAC) invited its president, Marshal of the Royal Air Force of England Lord Cameron, to lead a special group to develop a new "globa…
13 days ago
On July 27, 1603, there was unusual activity at the Water Stairs, a pier in the Tower of London leading to the Traitor's Gate, through which all state criminals in England usually passed. Crowds of citizens were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Tower Co…
14 days ago
(EARLY 1970S-FIRST HALF OF THE 1980S) At the turn of the 60s and 70s, changes began in the political arena of Great Britain, which led to a significant violation of the post-war model of domestic political development, the stereotypes of political behavior…
14 days ago
M. Mysl'. 1983. 294 p. 34th President of the United States D. Eisenhower appears in a new study by an international historian, senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor R…
14 days ago
M. Vysshaya shkola. 1985. 185 p. In the field of medieval studies, research on the history of international relations, foreign policy, and wars is a rare phenomenon. In this regard, the work of the head of the Department of General History of the Moscow Hi…
14 days ago
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Important information for authors

Why is it important to save your scholarly work in a digital library?

There are many reasons why it is important to keep your scholarly work online. Let's focus on the main ones:
  1. Wide access: The Internet allows researchers and scholars around the world easy access to your scholarly work. This is especially important for those who live or work in remote countries or regions or sparsely populated areas where access to scholarly publications may be limited.
  2. Preservation and dissemination of knowledge: The preservation and dissemination of scientific works on the Internet ensures the preservation and dissemination of knowledge that can be used to advance science. This helps avoid duplication of research and facilitates access to previous works, which contributes to faster human progress.
  3. Citation: Storing research papers online at a specific address provides a permanent link to your work, making it easier for other scientists to cite and use your research. It also helps to increase your citation index in academia.
  4. Archiving: Storing research papers online ensures that they are archived and preserved for the future. This is important so that researchers can access previous works and use them in their own research.
  5. Dissemination of ideas: Keeping scientific papers online provides an opportunity to disseminate ideas and research results to a wide audience. This can lead to a broader discussion of ideas and a faster dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community.

What can I save in a digital library?

In a digital library, authors can save all kinds of digital information:
  1. E-books: digital versions of books, which can be saved in PDF, DJVU, or other e-book formats.
  2. Scientific articles: scientific publications that can be saved in text form for reading from a computer screen or other gadget or in PDF or other electronic article formats (in which case articles can also be read from both desktop and mobile device screens).
  3. Journals: digital versions of journals that can be saved in PDF or other electronic journal formats.
  4. Audio and video materials: lecture recordings, music, movies and other video and audio files. Audio files are stored in a special storage, and we recommend uploading videos to Youtube and then inserting a link to them in your publications in the library.
  5. Documents: different types of documents, such as brochures, manuals, reports, articles, and other documents. There is a special section for files in the library.
  6. Maps and drawings: different types of graphic images, including maps, charts, drawings, diagrams, and other types of images. They can be stored in the Photo Documents section.
  7. Electronic textbooks and learning materials: digital versions of textbooks, study guides, and other learning materials.
  8. Electronic newspapers: digital versions of newspapers that can be saved in PDF or other electronic newspaper formats.
  9. Photos: digital images of photos and other graphic materials.
  10. Archival materials: digital versions of documents and other materials from archives and museums.
  11. Research information: digital versions of articles, reports, dissertations, and other research-related materials.
  12. Electronic diaries: digital versions of diaries and other personal entries. The library has a special section for author diaries, where you can keep entries in chronological order.
  13. Electronic patents: digital versions of patents and other documents related to intellectual property.
  14. Internet Archives: electronic versions of web pages and other online materials that can be saved in archiving programs and uploaded for preservation in the library.
  15. Computer programs and applications: digital versions of software, applications, and games.
  16. Electronic dictionaries and reference books: digital versions of various dictionaries and reference books on various topics.
  17. Music: digital versions of music, albums, and other audio materials.
  18. Digital maps: electronic versions of maps, geographic and topographic data.

Why is the digital library free for authors and readers?

All services to authors and readers are provided free of charge. So it was, so it is and so it will be. There are several reasons why the library stores and makes available information published by authors for free:
  1. Accessibility. Free access to information makes it available to all users, regardless of their financial status or location. This is important to ensure equal access to education and information for all.
  2. Dissemination of knowledge. The purpose of digital libraries is to disseminate knowledge and information throughout the world. Free access to information contributes to this goal because it allows people to access the latest scientific discoveries and other important information resources.
  3. Social effect. Many authors, especially those who publish their works in the electronic library, do not receive direct financial benefits from their publications, but do so in order to promote science and disseminate knowledge. Providing free access to their work helps them achieve this goal.
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