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This article examines the role of church councils in reaching a common date for Easter in the first millennium (the Quartodeciman debates, the First Ecumenical Council and after), as well as attempts towards a pan-Orthodox solution of the calendar issue in …
The Orthodox Church is a complex geopolitical reality, and it does not constitute a homogenous block. On the contrary, the rise of irredentism during the 19th century has created the basis for constant territorial fragmentation throughout the 20th century. …
The present article addresses the history of the preparations of the Pan-Orthodox Council since 1923, when the Pan-Orthodox Conference was held in Istanbul, until January 2016, when the Synaxis of the Primates was held in Chambesy, Switzerland. This articl …
When former General of the Southern States Army N. Forrest, who became the head - "great magician" of the Ku Klux Klan, officially disbanded it in 1869, the clan had actually already done its job. The Negro population of the South, betrayed by the northern …
Soviet historians and economists have written considerable literature on the problem of electrification in the USSR. A review of this literature was made in 1969 by I. M. Nekrasova [1]. However, it did not specifically consider documentary publications. Me …
История ветеринарии
генерал-майор ветеринарной службы запаса В.П.ВЕТРОВ,
Начальник ветеринарно-санитарной службы ВС РФ (1989 -1998 гг.)
Заслуженный ветеринарный врач Российской Федерации,
профессор Академии военных на …
Записи Пушкина о своих денежных расчетах трогательны. Он вел счет своей творческой продукции, фиксируя написанное им количество строк в произведении. В журналах тогда ему платили по 4 или 5 рублей за каждую строку, а в изданных книгах - в нес …
When former General of the Southern States Army N. Forrest, who became the head - "great magician" of the Ku Klux Klan, officially disbanded it in 1869, the clan had actually already done its job. The Negro population of the South, betrayed by the northern …
Влияние революции 1905 - 1907 гг. в России на развитие революционных процессов на Балканах было исключительно широким, многоплановым и разносторонним, что объяснялось прежде всего сходными или общими чертами экономического и социального развития России и б …
This article examines the role of church councils in reaching a common date for Easter in the first millennium (the Quartodeciman debates, the First Ecumenical Council and after), as well as attempts towards a pan-Orthodox solution of the calendar issue in …
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