Libmonster ID: IN-1353

On May 29, 2000, Yuri Germanovich Vinogradov's life suddenly and tragically ended. Nothing foreshadowed trouble: Yuri Germanovich was in the prime of his creative powers, worked hard, made big plans for the future, his desk by the window in the second - small - room of our Center, as always, was littered with books, articles, letters; it seems that quite recently there was Naples, where Yu. G. Vinogradov lectured on the history of the world. epigraphy of the Black Sea region, in May he left by invitation to his beloved Germany and suddenly... He fell on the very rise... We lost not just an outstanding antiquarian, doctor of Historical sciences, professor, deputy editor - in-chief of VDI-we lost a friend with whom we lived in Vestnik for three decades, but for many of us also a teacher. This is an irreplaceable loss, without Yura, Yuri Germanovich, our Y. G. the magazine and the Center were orphaned.

This is also a heavy loss for the entire Russian historical science. Yu. G. Vinogradov was a leading researcher at the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, about-

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Professor of the Departments of Ancient World History and Classical Philology at Moscow State University, Yu. G. Vinogradov was a world-class epigraphist.

He was born on June 13, 1946, in 1964. The silver medalist entered the History Department of Moscow State University, graduated with honors from the Department of Archeology in 1969. He wrote a diploma on cyclic poems from Olbia under the guidance of B. N. Grakov, also studied under V. D. Blavatsky, attended special courses and special seminars with A. A. Takho-Godi. His teacher of ancient Greek was E. B. Veselago.

In 1969, Yu. G. Vinogradov entered the post-graduate program of the IVI of the USSR Academy of Sciences. B. N. Grakov remained his scientific supervisor. It is to him that Yu. G. owes his passion for epigraphy and the first skills of working with inscriptions. Yu. G. 's interest in ceramics was due to the influence of V. D. Blavatsky, and his teacher in the field of archeology was A. N. Karasev (Yu. G.' s excavations in Olvia were conducted in 1962, and in Berezan since the 70s). It is symbolic that the results of his first research were published in VDI ("Kiklicheskiye VDI"). poems in Olbia " - VDI. 1969. N 3). Hence his interest in the Greek inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea region, and then in the political history of the Black Sea region and the entire Eastern Mediterranean.

In 1973, Yuri Germanovich brilliantly defended his dissertation on the topic "Economic development of the island of Phasos in the V-IV centuries BC".

Yu. G. Vinogradov worked at the Institute of General History of the Academy of Sciences after completing postgraduate studies, from January 1973-first in the section of the history of the Ancient world and VDI, then in the Center for Comparative Studies of Ancient Civilizations. For 16 years he was head of the Department of Ancient Greek and Black Sea History at VDI, in 1989 he became Executive secretary of the journal, and since the end of 1990-Deputy Editor-in-chief. During all 27 years of work in the journal, he was one of the most responsible and authoritative employees of the editorial board and editorial board of Vestnik Drevnoi Istorii.

In 1988, he defended his doctoral dissertation " Political History of the Olvian Polis of the 7th-1st centuries BC: A historical and epigraphic study "(published as a monograph in Moscow in 1989; its German revised and expanded translation was prepared for publication in Constance). This seminal work is devoted to the study of most of the almost thousand-year history of Olbia, its general and special features in comparison with the rest of the Greek world. Yu.G. introduced the concept of "barbarian protectorate" in the history of the Greek colonies.

Yu. G. has done a great deal to establish equal business contacts with European and American colleagues. Already in the late 70s, thanks to his scientific achievements, he received a scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which allowed him to work for two years in the libraries of West German research centers, mainly in Constance. Numerous publications in Germany and other foreign cities, reports, and joint work with Western colleagues contributed to the rapid integration of the then young researcher into the world of science, and to the growth of his scientific authority. It is no coincidence that a new series based at the University of Constance, Prof. The book by Wolfgang Schuller and intended for the publication of works by foreign authors (it is called XENIA, which means "gifts of strangers" in Greek), opened with a book by Yu. G. about the history of Olbia 1 . It is also no coincidence that Yu. G. was one of the first Russian historians of antiquity to be elected a foreign corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), and this, as you know, is a great honor for any historian of antiquity.

Yu. G. knew German very well, and published his works in Germany many times (his "Kleine Schriften" should be highlighted). His friends were P. Hermann and

Vinogradov Juri. 1 Olbia. Geschichte einer altgriechischen Stadt am Schwarzen Meer. Konstanz, 1981 (XENIA. Konstanzer Althistorische Vortrage und Forschungen. Heft 1). Since then, more than 40 volumes of the series have been published, in which the works of Russian researchers (E. M. Shtaerman, O. D. Lordkipanidze, N. V. Braginskaya, A.V. Podosinov, N. Grach, A. I. Zaitsev, A. N. Shcheglov, etc.) have also been published in German translation.

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H. Habicht (together with the latter, he conducted seminars at Princeton in the 90s).Yu. G. highly appreciated A. Wilhelm and L. Robert (although he polemicized with the latter). Yu. G. also gained international recognition. He was a member of the editorial board of the most authoritative "Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum", a long-time correspondent for the Northern Black Sea region of Robert's Bulletin Epigraphique, a member of the International Association of Epigraphists. Yu.G. took part in many international congresses and conferences, worked for a year at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton. The translation of a book by the famous German historian Christian Habicht, made by Yu .G. in the last years of his life, also served to establish contacts between Russian and foreign historiography. 2

This collaboration resulted in the publication of a fundamental collection of his works on the history of the Ancient Black Sea region, translated into German and published in Mainz in 1997.3 as a reflection of the authority and importance of Yu .G. ' s work for world science. In the eyes of his foreign colleagues, Yu. G. was the most authoritative expert on the ancient history of the Northern Black Sea region, with whose opinion it was possible to disagree and polemicize, but it was impossible not to take it into account. He was

Habicht Christian. 2 Athens. History of the city in the Hellenistic era, Moscow, 1999.

Ju.G Vinogradov 3 Pontische Studien. Kleine Schriften zur Geschichte und Kpigraphik des Schwarzmeerraumes. Mainz, 1997.

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He was one of the few scholars who had an excellent command of all types of sources - archaeological, written, epigraphic, numismatic and others, one of the few who thoroughly knew the history of the Northern Black Sea region throughout antiquity, who expressed a weighty opinion on the problems of early colonization of the Black Sea region, and on the internal political life of the Greek poleis, and on the relations between Rome and Northern Black Sea region, and the history of barbarian tribes and peoples of Eastern Europe. Master of filigree miniatures and creator of broad historical canvases, he was in a true sense the successor of the work of Rostovtsev and Latyshev. Of course, his epigraphic works, which provided a lot of new historical material, are especially important and valuable for the study of the Northern Black Sea region. Now, after the death of Yu. G., there are few specialists who will be able to continue epigraphic research at the same level.

As already mentioned. The Northern Black Sea region as a part of the ancient world was opened up to Western antiquity science quite recently and largely thanks to the activities of Yu. G. But he not only worked hard and fruitfully abroad, but also made great efforts to ensure that the best works of his Russian and Ukrainian colleagues were translated, published and thus became known in the West. The same goal was promoted by grants that Yu. G. obtained in recent years for conducting archaeological and publishing works for both Russian and Ukrainian colleagues (in this regard, we should mention the bilingual series of monographs published jointly with the German Archaeological Institute).

Yu. G. always showed great interest in projects that could advance the science of the ancient Northern Black Sea region. Thus, when corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V. T. Pashuto created in the late 60s at the Institute of Russian History of the Academy of Sciences the section on the history of the oldest states in the territory of the USSR, which was to publish a commented set of the oldest sources on the history of Eastern Europe, Yu.G. from the first steps of the work of the sector began to take a great part in its activities. He participated in the development of the plan-prospectus of the code, in the discussion of finished volumes of the code, and often published in publications of the sector. The re-publication of the collection of ancient literary sources about the Northern Black Sea region by V. V. Latyshev at a new scientific level was his long-cherished dream, so he strongly contributed to the work of the sector in this direction. It is not without reason that one of his last works - a large fundamental article (written jointly with M. I. Zolotarev) on the early history of Chersonesus - was published in the yearbook of the sector (now the Center for "Eastern Europe in the Ancient and Medieval World" at the Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences) 4 .

Yu. G. was distinguished by his generosity of soul and noble thoughts and actions (it was not for nothing that all his friends and colleagues on the Berezan expedition called him by the aristocratic name "Baronet"). He was always ready to help, spent a lot of time reading other people's works, listening to other people's theories and projects, regardless of time, criticized, edited, advised, added and rewrote (if necessary) other people's articles, sometimes corresponding with their authors for months. These qualities were especially evident in his editorial work in Vestnik Drevnoi Istorii, where he supervised articles on the history of the Northern Black Sea region.

Yu. G. ' s noble nonconformity in defending scientific truth was combined with an extraordinary human benevolence and emotional vulnerability. He was devoted body and soul to what is called the archaeological fraternity, and has always been the central nerve and heart of any scientific community.

Vinogradov Yu. G., Zolotarev M. I. 4 The original Chersonese // The oldest states of Eastern Europe. 1996-1997 The Northern Black Sea coast in antiquity. Voprosy istochnikovedeniya [Questions of Source Studies], Moscow, 1999, pp. 91-129.

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Yuri Germanovich also had a poetic talent, he owns many songs from archaeological folklore, 5 some of his poems were published in reputable publications (you can mention the collection "Golden Dust", published in Nikolaev in 1994 by S. Buiskikh). Behind the lines of his poems rises the living, trembling and impressionable soul of the poet, romantic and idealist. He himself liked to read poems by Mandelstam and Brodsky, and often quoted The Master and Margarita. He didn't create his own school, which he regretted. His work is continued by his son, Andrey Vinogradov, who is going to publish his father's archival legacy.

At his epigraphic seminar at Moscow State University, Yuri Germanovich suggested reading the edicts of Ashoka. A line from one of them might be the best epitaph for a great scholar: "Good deeds are difficult. He who instigates good deeds does a difficult thing."

Editorial Board and Editorial Board of Vestnik Drevnoi Istorii, Center for Comparative Studies of Ancient Civilizations, Section of Ancient History, Center "Eastern Europe in the Ancient and Medieval World" of the Institute of Universal History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

5 For one of the latest publications, see: The Distant Past of Pushkinogorye. Issue 6. Pesennyi fol'klor arkheologicheskikh expeditsii [Song folklore of archaeological expeditions], St. Petersburg, 2000, p. 59.


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In memory of Yuri Germanovich Vinogradov // Delhi: India (ELIB.ORG.IN). Updated: 17.06.2024. URL: (date of access: 07.02.2025).


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