V. I. KASYANENKO. Historiography of the Socialist Way of Life in the U.S.S.R.
Theoretical and political topicality, practical interest and the sharpening of ideological struggle on the world scene have advanced to the fore the problems of the socialist mode of life in the U.S.S.R. as one of the main trends of Soviet social science. The author subjects to a detailed analysis the views and opinions of Soviet historians, philosophers and economists regarding the essence, prerequisites, processes and main stages of the rise and development of the socialist mode of life. The way of life and its interaction with the objective conditions obtaining in a developed socialist society, the historic mission devolving on the working class and the Communist Party in asserting and promoting the new principles and standards governing the socialist mode of life; the causes responsible for their non-simultaneous maturing; the most important features and peculiarities of the Soviet mode of life - these and other questions are examined in the article on the basis of extensive literature. Side by side with analyzing theoretical problems, the author also touches on a number of practical questions connected with the further and deeper study of the subject under review.
Y. S. KUK.USHKIN, Corresponding Member of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, D. K. SHELESTOV. Moscow University Is 225 Years Old
Having characterized the historiography of Moscow University, the authors proceed to examine two epochs in its development: the pre-revolutionary and the Soviet periods. Already in the first century of its existence Moscow University, to quote N. G. Chernyshevsky, became the most important "of Russia's scientific institutions as regards its impact on the life of society and on the development of our education." The University's prestige acquired a fundamentally new basis and content as a result of the radical transformations effected since the Great October Socialist Revolution. Thanks to the unflagging concern and attention of the CPSU and the Soviet state, Moscow University, maintaining and developing its finest traditions, has now become the flagship of the Soviet higher school, the greatest centre of science of history's first developed socialist society.
R. S. GANELIN. The Eve of "Bloody Sunday"
The article examines the decisions and actions taken by the organs of state power in Russia on the eve of January 9, 1905. The author establishes that the leadership of the punitive agencies, which believed that the organization formed and headed by the priest Gapon, an agent-provocateur, would be able to direct the St. Petersburg workers' movement into a channel diverting the danger from tsarism, had overlooked the growth of the workers' political and class consciousness. Having convinced themselves that the, peaceful procession scheduled for January 9, despite its seeming loyalty to the tsarist regime, would assume the character of a political demonstration passing under general democratic and proletarian slogans, the authorities had made thorough and wide-scale preparations to greet the workers with bullets and bayonets. It is important to stress, in this connection, that no steps had been taken to prevent the procession to the Winter Palace. The result was the tsar's bloody crime which aroused the indignation and abhorrence of the whole world.
V. F. PETROVSKY. The Vienna Talks on the Reduction of Armed Forces and Armaments in Central Europe
Appraising the correlation of forces in Central Europe as being approximately equal, the article shows that from the very start of the talks in October 1973 the socialist countries have consistently been pursuing a course of diminishing the military confrontation in this area without upsetting the existing balance of forces. In the course of the
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talks they put forward more than ten compromise proposals of a comprehensive or partial character. The proposals advanced by the socialist countries on June 8 and November 30, 1978, followed by another initiative displayed on June 28, 1979, clear the way for the speediest possible elaboration of a concrete agreement. And if no progress has as yet been made in Vienna, the author writes in conclusion, this should be attributed to the fact that the Western participants in the talks are seeking to obtain unilateral military advantages in spite of the agreed principles of full reciprocity, equality of the commitments assumed and undiminished security of all states.
M. A. BARG. The Categories "World-Historic" and "Local-Historic" in Marxist-Leninist Historism
The article shows that the Marxist conception of "world-historic" embraces the cognitive principle of history as a science. From this point of view the correlation of world-historic and local-historic is disclosed in the concept "limitation" or, which is the same thing, "classical forms." This concept is analyzed in the article both in ontological and cognitive aspects. Its application in historiographical practice is illustrated on three levels: 1) world-historic as the interaction of a number of co- existing socio-economic formations; 2) world-historic within the framework of one formation taken singly; 3) world-historic within the framework of the local-historic process. The author brings out the dialectical interdependence of the categories he examines.
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