Keywords: Africa, gender inequality, social problems, education, health care Gender inequality remains a characteristic feature of social development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In terms of their socio-economic status, different groups of the region's population (in this case, men and women) still have unequal opportunities. Despite some progress in overcoming differences in the social status of men and women, gender discrimination still affects access to and use of material resources, economic opportunities, and the level of participation in political decision-making (the proportion of "fairer sex" representatives in the parliaments of SSA states reaches approximately 17.5% 1). Meanwhile, the degree of gender equality is one of the main indicators of a country's development. The problem of relations between the sexes, their psychological differences and value orientations is the subject of research not only by sociologists and psychologists, but also by politicians. On the one hand, the processes of democratization presuppose the formation of equal opportunities for individual self-realization, regardless of social origin, nationality, age and gender. On the other hand, the consciousness of men and women contains stereotypical ideas about their role in public life and various value orientations. Achieving equality between both sexes in education, access to certain types of employment, and property rights and income could have at least one positive effect: child malnutrition would be reduced by 3%, i.e. there would be 1.7 million fewer hungry children in SSA countries.2 High rates of childhood morbidity and mortality, as well as a low percentage of child immunization, are directly related to the level of education of the mother and her financial situation. In Africa, where most of the population is employed in the agricultural sector, women perform about 70% of agricultural work. However, their contribution to this area is almost not taken into account in the distr ... Read more

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