Russian Oriental studies has suffered a great loss. On July 26, 2015, a well-known scientist, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. G. Rastiannikov died.
Viktor Georgievich was born on February 17, 1928 in Moscow to a working-class family. The family had three children. After his father went to the front, he entered a vocational school at the age of 14. From 1942 to 1945, he worked as a locksmith at defense enterprises in Moscow and at the same time studied at the evening school of working youth. He was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945".
In 1946, he entered the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies at the Indian department, which he graduated in 1950, receiving the specialty "Indian Urdu language with knowledge of English". In 1950-1954 he studied at the post-graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1954 he defended his PhD thesis on "Agricultural relations in Punjab (1900-1947)".
In 1955, he was hired at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where for 60 years he worked his way up from junior researcher to chief researcher; in 1974-1986, he was head of the sector of agrarian and peasant problems, head of the "vertical" group on the economy of agriculture and food security.
In 1971, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics on the topic "Problems of agrarian evolution in a multi-structured economy. The experience of independent India". In 1984, he was awarded the title of Professor.
V. G. Rastiannikov's scientific activity is wide and diverse. He was one of the world's leading experts in the study of agrarian and peasant problems and the economy of agriculture in the countries of the East. Viktor Georgievich put forward and substantiated a number of original concepts on agricultural issues, in particular, he solved a number of major problems in the field of studying the nature and mechanism of functioning of multi-layered agricultural systems, the development of capitalism in the agrosphere, and class formation in the rural areas of developing countries of the East.
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He made a significant contribution to the study of the problems of cyclical uneven agricultural growth in the XX century; to the development of a methodology for comparative studies of economic dynamics in the agricultural sectors of the East (including the countries of post-Soviet Central Asia), Russia and the West in the retrospective of the XX century; to the study of typological features of agricultural growth models by the beginning of the XXI century. He has more than 130 scientific papers to his credit, including 23 books that he prepared as an author and editor-compiler. A number of works translated into English, Hindi and other languages have been published abroad, including in India, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
His career as an agricultural scientist began with a study of the evolution of agricultural relations in India, which later became the basis of his doctoral dissertation and the monograph "Agrarian Evolution in Multiform Structure Society: Experience of Independent India"published in the UK. This work was a textbook for Marxist indology students all over the world in the 1980s.
As L. B. Alaev noted in his book "Historiography of the History of India", V. G. Rastiannikov gave a comprehensive picture of agricultural relations in India after the reforms; it is especially important that, as an economist, he showed the importance of social factors (caste, family, etc.) in economic processes. During this period, V. G. Rastiannikov studied the processes of development of capitalism in the agrarian society of India, its influence on class formation and the interaction of various forms of ownership in the Indian countryside.
Later, V. E. Rastiannikov devoted a lot of time and effort to studying the food problem in the countries of the East. He was the first in Russian Oriental studies to approach the study of this issue as a global problem, the components of which had a huge impact on economic growth in general. He paid special attention to how, in the context of the growing internationalization of the world economy, the unequal position of developing countries in the East contributed to the intensification of the food crisis and the emergence of socio-economic imbalances that still deform reproduction in the economies of Eastern countries.
A major area of his research interests was theoretical aspects of the formation of capitalism in the countries of the East in the second half of the XX century, primarily identifying specific features of the genesis of capitalism in the developing countries of the region. The monograph "Capitalism in the East in the second half of the XX century", published under his editorship (together with G. K. Shirokov), was devoted to this direction. The book has a special place in the theoretical understanding of the problems of socio-economic development on the periphery of world capitalism. Conceived in the period before the collapse of the USSR, it is free from the narrowness of the traditional Soviet view of the subject of research. The sections written by Viktor Georgievich were of a theoretically innovative nature, largely rehabilitating the theoretical legacy of A.V. Chayanov, which was forgotten in Soviet times. Creative perception of Marxism helped V. G. Rastiannikov to treat with interest and respect the contribution to the theory of Eastern multiculturalism, which was made in addition to him by A. P. Kolontaev, V. V. Krylov and others.
V. G. Rastiannikov's special interest at the new, post-Soviet stage was caused by the problems of heterogeneity of capitalism, developing under the influence of scientific and technological progress, and the principles of changes in the multi-layered agrarian system, occurring under the influence of capitalism. He proved that it was the NTR that brought " the stage evolution of capitalism to the global forefront, turning this type of development into a universal process of world order." Capitalism in a multi-structured agrarian society, as V. G. Rastiannikov proved, takes the form of a dominant mode (depressive), in which economic relations in the agrarian economy are often realized through non-economic coercion, both inherent in Eastern societies and introduced from the outside in the form of" political " violence.
In the future, the provisions on various types of non-economic coercion in the implementation of collective property were used by him as the basis for analyzing the relations that developed in agriculture under socialism in Russia and other republics of the former USSR.
Since the late 1990s, V. G. Rastiannikov's scientific work has focused on the problems of studying cyclical unevenness of agricultural growth in the countries of the center and periphery of the world economy (from the perspective of N. D. Kondratiev's "long waves"). He proved that there is a single cyclical wave of agricultural growth for countries included in the world economy, and the synchronicity or phase lag of the beginning of a new cycle for countries on the periphery from the center depends on the degree of agricultural inclusion
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integration of countries into the world economy. This is not only about the influence of the global market factor, but mainly about the phenomenon of a more global order, such as NTR.
Several books by V. G. Rastiannikov in the 2000s were devoted to the study of the typology of economic processes in agriculture in Eastern countries and a comparative analysis of models of economic growth in agriculture in the East and West. The most comprehensive work was the monograph " Models of agricultural growth in the XX century . India, Japan, USA, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan", which retrospectively describes the processes of changing the historical stages of development of the agricultural sectors of traditional, manufacturing, industrial, information; reveals the qualitative features and stages of movement of the agricultural sectors of these countries to the market. The logical conclusion of this direction was the development of the theory of two technological methods of production in agriculture, which was devoted to his last book "Agriculture of the East and West: two technological methods of production". Work in this area required a deeper study of the economic history of the development of agricultural sectors in the world, in order to track the conditions for the formation of a" labor-saving "technological mode of production in agriculture in the West and" land-saving " in agriculture in the East.
The scientist's interests also included such issues as the influence of the land-demographic complex on economic growth in densely populated Eastern countries, paradoxes of economic growth in the pseudo-socialist economy of the republics of Central Asia during their existence as part of the USSR, conditions for the formation of a market economy in Russian agriculture during the NEP period, economic and mathematical models of agricultural growth, in particular, the movement of grain yields in certain countries of the world from the end of the XVIII century to the beginning of the XXI century.
Viktor Georgievich combined the features of a great researcher and an excellent teacher. He gave lectures on various aspects of the economy and political economy of agriculture in the Eastern countries at the ISAA of Moscow State University and the Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia.
Ten master's theses were defended under his scientific supervision.
In addition to the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", he was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor", the Gold Medal of I. Y. Krachkovsky, medals in honor of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, etc.
Viktor Georgievich Rastiannikov was an exceptionally hardworking, talented researcher, principled and extremely fair, demanding, first of all, to himself. Everyone who had the good fortune to work and communicate with him will have a bright memory of him. Viktor Georgievich has done a lot to raise the prestige of the Institute of Oriental Studies, both scientific and public, and of the entire national Oriental science.
Agricultural relations in Punjab (1900-1947). Diss. for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences / Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1954, 444 p.
On the forms of feudal exploitation of the peasantry in colonial Punjab. Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1956, No. 21, pp. 28-38.
Some features of the formation and exploitation of the agricultural proletariat in colonial India. oriental studies. 1956. N 6. Pp. 42-55 (together with M. A. Maksimov).
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Moscow: "Znanie". 1957. 40 s. (sovm. with S. A. Kuzmin).
Wage labor in Punjab agriculture // Uch. zap. Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957, vol. XVIII, pp. 213-296.
On the nature of marketability of grain farming in Punjab (according to economic surveys of the 30s of the XX century) / / Short reports. Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957, No. 23, pp. 35-54.
Problemy ekonomiki Pakistanii [Problems of the Economy of Pakistan], Moscow: IVL. 1958, 215 p. (in Russian). (co-authored with S. A. Kuzmin).
Essay on the development of commercial gardening and horticulture in Punjab during the colonial period. Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1958, No. 28, pp. 9-24.
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Problemy ekonomiki Pakistanii [Problems of the Economy of Pakistan], Moscow: IVL. 1958, 239 p. (co-authored with S. A. Kuzmin).
Technical base of agriculture / / Pakistan. Istoriya i ekonomika [History and Economy], Moscow: IVL. 1959, pp. 86-126.
Agrarian reforms in the countries of the East / / Agrarian reforms in the countries of the East. Moscow: IVL. 1961. pp. 7-76 (together with M. A. Maksimov).
Commercial cattle breeding in Punjab (review of data for the 70s of the XIX century and 40s of the XX century). Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1961, No. 42, pp. 65-77.
On the issue of growth rates of productive forces in agriculture in post-reform India (1951-1961) / / Kratkieye soobshchie. Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1963, No. 51, pp. 37-48 (co-authored with M. A. Maksimov).
Factors Influencing Capital Formation in Agriculture of Economically Underdeveloped Countries // Socialist Congressman. New Delhi. 1963. Vol. III. N 3. P. 9-11.
Razvitie kapitalizma v sel'skom khozyaistve Indii (sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie izmeneniya v poreformennoi derevke) [Development of capitalism in agriculture in India (socio-economic changes in the post-reform village)]. (co-authored with M. A. Maksimov).
Accumulations in India and problems of their implementation / / Peoples of Asia and Africa. 1966. N 2. pp. 15-26 (together with I. I. Egorov).
Food problem in the developing countries of Asia and North Africa / / Peoples of Asia and Africa. 1967. N 1. pp. 28-42.
Problemy ekonomicheskogo i sotsial'nogo razvitiya nezavisimoy Indii [Problems of Economic and social development of Independent India]. Moscow: GRVL "Nauka", 1967.
Exploitative top of the village and the formation of the rural bourgeoisie / / Problems of economic and social development of independent India. Chapter VII. Moscow: GRVL "Nauka", 1967, pp. 165-192.
Developing Countries: food and Politics, Moscow: GRVL "Nauka", 1968, 108 p.
World capitalist market and reproduction in the grain economy of developing countries / / Food problem in the countries of Asia and North Africa, Moscow: GRVL "Nauka", 1968, pp. 209-229.
Food and agrarian problems of the "third world" / / Mezhdunar. life. 1968. N 12. pp. 110-118.
Food for Developing Countries in Asia and North Africa (A Socio-Economic Approach). Moscow: Nauka, 1969. 104 p.
The Food Problem in the Developing Countries // Asia in Soviet Studies. Moscow: Nauka, 1969. P. 171-199.
Problems of Agrarian Evolution in a Multi-layered Economy: (The Experience of Independent India). Diss. for the degree of Doctor of Economics / Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1971, 695 p.
Problemy sel'skokhozyaistvennogo rosta v razvitiushchikh stranakh Azii [Problems of agricultural growth in developing Asian countries]. MEiMO AN SSSR, 1971, No. 1, pp. 56-69.
Socio-Economic Aspects of the "Green Revolution" // Person Conference Documents. N 34. N.Y. : Columbia University. 1970. P. 1-8.
The Green Revolution // The Widening gap: Development in the 1970's. N.Y.: Columbia University. 1971. P. 127-137 (together with L. Brown).
Agrarian evolution in a multi-layered society. The experience of independent India, Moscow: GRVL "Nauka". 1973. 448 p. The same: L.: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. 373 p.
The Agrarian Evolution and Class-Formation Processes in India // Social Sciences. 1973. Vol. 4. N 3. P. 138-151.
Introduction: contradictions of the "green revolution" / / Developing countries and the "Green Revolution". Moscow: GRVL "Nauka", 1974. pp. 9-66. Ed. 247 p.
Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie problemy "zelenoi revolyutsii" (Obzor literatury za 1969-1972 gg.) [Socio-economic problems of the "Green Revolution" (Literature review for 1969-1972)]. 1974. pp. 9-66.
The Social Types of Rural Hired Workers in Independent India // Asian Survey. Berkeley. 1974. P. 258-266. Idem.: Soviet Scholars View South Asia. PPH. Lahore. 1975. P. 58-66. Idem.: Problems of Contemporary World: Social Sciences Today. Moscow. 1976. N 33. P. 67-73.
The Agrarian Evolution of Indian Society in 50s and 60s of the 20th Century // India: Social and Economic Development (18th-20th Centuries). Moscow: Progress Publisher, 1975. P. 93-182.
Reproduction in Agriculture: Changes in Multi-Structural Agrarian Economy. The Green Revolution // Oriental Countries Today. Vol. 1. Culcutta. 1975. P. 29-72.
Agrarian structures of the countries of the East: genesis, evolution, social transformations: Moscow: GRVL "Nauka", 1977. Ed. 278 p.
Osnovnye etapy razvitiya krestjanskogo khozyaistva [The main stages of development of the peasant economy]. 1977. pp. 6-48 (sovm. with V. P. Danilov, L. V. Danilova).
Notes on approaches to the study of classkaboutlicense processes in developing countries // Cleaopatra on modern East: issues and trends. M. 1978. P. 15-33.
On the Characteristics of Evolution of Peasant Farms in the Asian Developing Countries // Studies on Developing Countries. N 103. Institute
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for World Economics. Budapest. 1979. P. 117-128.
Evolution of the official concept of agrarian reform in India (1951-1973) / / Economics of developing countries: theories and research methods. Moscow: GRVL "Nauka". 1979. pp. 87-122.
Structural shifts and evolution of political systems in the countries of Asia and Africa in the 70s, Moscow: Nauka, 1979, pp. 31-38.
Zarubezhny Vostok i sovremennost '[Foreign East and Modernity], vol. 2. Moscow: GRVL "Nauka". 1980. Author: Section III. The Agrarian and peasant question. Chapters I. § 1, 2. pp. 9-27; Chapters II. § 1,2. pp. 34-61; Chapters III. pp. 73-104; Chapters IV. § 1. pp. 104-122; Chapters V. § 1. pp. 143-178.
In: Gosudarstvo i agrarnaya evolyutsiya v razvitiushchikh stranakh Azii i Afrika [State and Agrarian Evolution in developing countries of Asia and Africa]. 1980. Auth.: Preface P. 3-14. Ed. 277 p.
A deformed village. Agrarian question on the periphery of the world capitalist economy (Literature review) / / Problems of the world and socialism, Moscow, 1982, No. 8, pp. 82-86.
The agrarian question on the periphery of the world capitalist economy // Peace and socialism. Prague. 1984. pp. 106-118.
MKH Periphery: Contradictions of a multi-layered economy and the strategy of socio-economic development // Strategiya sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya svobodavshikh stran na 80-e gg. [Strategy of socio-economic development of the liberated countries in the 80s].
Food problem in the RS of Asia and North Africa: the nature of the main disproportions / / Food problem in the developing countries of Asia and North Africa. Moscow: GRVL; Nauka, 1982. pp. 3-31. Editor's note. 280 s.
Food problem in the modern world. Moscow: Nauka, 1983. - Author: On the nature of the food problem. pp. 11-30; Agrarian transformations. pp. 202-206.
Novye yavleniya v razvitii natsional'nykh ekonomik [New phenomena in the development of national economies]. Vostok: rubezh 80-kh godov, Moscow: GRVL; Nauka, 1983, pp. 58-121 (together with A. P. Kolontaev, G. K. Shirokov).
East: Food and development. Moscow: GRVL; Nauka, 1986. Author: On the nature of the food problem. pp. 5-21; Food crisis: internal structural imbalances. pp. 22-50; Mass pauperism: the market and food production. pp. 63-68; From traditional extensive farming to capitalist intensive production. pp. 69-72; Social significance of the development of intensive farming. pp. 92-111 On the typology of food situations, pp. 163-171; Conclusion, pp. 234-242. Ed. by 343 p. Ditto: New Delhi: Agricole Publishing Academy. 1993. 312 p.
About classkaboutlicense processes in the agricultural sector in the developing countries of the East // the working class and the modern world. 1986. N 3. P. 18-33.
Report. Working Document // AAPSO International Seminar on Agricultural Development and Food Security in Developing Countries 1985. Gardony. Hungary. 1986. P. 171-186.
On the impact of IBC on agricultural growth and food security // Ekonomicheskie problemy stran Vostoka: seredina 80-kh godov (novye tendentsii) [Economic problems of the countries of the East: the middle of the 80s (new trends)]. Moscow: GRVL; Nauka, 1987, pp. 60-70.
Class Formation Process in Developing Countries // Soviet Oriental Studies. Annual 1986. Moscow: Nauka, 1987. P. 72-84.
On the evolution of a multi-layered economy on the periphery of the MCC / / Soviet Oriental Studies. Problemy i perspektivy [Problems and Prospects], Moscow: GRVL; Nauka Publ., 1988, pp. 245-252.
NTR and stages of capitalist evolution in the "third world" / / Working Class and the modern world. 1989. N 3. pp. 14-23.
Mesto i rol ' krestjanstva v sovremennoj Afrika [Place and role of the peasantry in modern Africa], Moscow: Institut Afrika RAN, 1992, pp. 41-57.
Kapitalizm na Vostoke v vtoroy polovine XX veka [Capitalism in the East in the second half of the XX century]. Moscow: GRVL; Nauka, 1995. Auth.: Preface p. 3-15; NTR and the problem of stages of capitalist evolution in developing countries of the East. pp. 265-303; Kapitalizm i mnogoukladnost ' ekonomicheskoi sistemy stran Vostoka: agrarnyi aspekt. pp. 304-443. Otv. red. 604 p.
Sel'skoe khozyaistvo versus promyshlennost ' (O kontseptsii "Balansa narodnogo khozyaistva Soyuza SSR 1923-1924 goda") [Agriculture versus industry (On the concept of the "Balance of the National Economy of the USSR 1923-1924")].
Patterns of Techno-Economic and Relevant Socio-Economic Changes in Farm Economy: An Experience of a Retrospective Comparative Analysis (Japan, India, USA, Russia) // Journal of International Economic Studies. Tokyo: Hosei University. 1995. N 9. P. 139-172 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Uzbekistan. Economic growth in the agrosphere: anomalies in the XX century. Moscow: IV RAS, 1996, 167 p.
Typology of technical-economic and related socio-economic factors
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Problemy perekhoda Rossii k rynochnoi ekonomike [Problems of Russia's Transition to a Market Economy]. Moscow: MO RPF i Fonda Ford [Problems of Russia's Transition to a Market Economy: the experience of retrospective comparative analysis (Japan, India, USA, Russia)]. 1996. Issue V. S. 54-81 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Industrialization and wage dynamics in the agrosphere: USSR, Russia in the context of International Comparative historical Comparisons // Questions about statistics. 1996. N 2. pp. 43-49.
The agricultural economy of Uzbekistan is on its way to the market. Tokyo: Institute of Asian Economics. 1997. - Author: Ch. 1. § 1. pp. 5-37; Ch. 2-3. pp. 56-165.
"Big cycles" in the agrosphere. XX century. Experience of inter-country comparative historical analysis, Moscow: IV RAS, 1997, 62 p. (sovm. with I. V. Deryugina).
Economic growth in agriculture and agrosphere. XX century. Experience of cross-country comparative historical analysis // Moscow Oriental Studies. Ocherki, issledovaniya, razrabotki [Essays, research, development], Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 1997, pp. 404-446 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
"Kondratieff waves" in the study of the process of economic growth in the agrosphere / / Voprosy statistiki. 1997. N 11. pp. 19-29 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Long-term changes in the yield of agricultural crops: the middle of the XIX-end of the XX century (Experience of reconstruction of continuous time series of statistical data) / / Voprosy statistiki. 1998. No. 9. pp. 31-45 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Agricultural dynamics. XX century. Opyt sravnitel'no-istoricheskogo issledovaniya [Experience of comparative historical research], Moscow: IV RAS, 1999, 331 p. (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Stanovlenie sovremennogo agrarnogo khozyaistva v Indii [Formation of modern agricultural economy in India]. Zemel'nyj vopros [Land Issue], ed. by E. S. Stroev, Moscow, 1999, pp. 439-469.
Paradoxes of economic growth in the agrosphere of Japan. 50-90-ies of the XX century // Japan: Myths and reality, Moscow: East Lit., 1999, pp. 54-83.
Economic growth in the agrosphere in the mirror of the dynamics of production costs (USA, Japan, India) / / India and the World. In memory of A. I. Chicherov, Moscow: Muravey Gaid, 2000, pp. 164-227 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Difficulties of growth in the transition economy: the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan. 2000. N 9. pp. 71-79 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
From the history of distribution of agricultural products in Russia, the USSR (20-30s of the XX century) / / Russian Historical Journal, Moscow, 2001, vol. IV. pp. 200-236.
Models of commodity production development in the agricultural sector. XX century. (USA, Japan, India) // Vostochny mir: opyty obshchestvennoi transformatsii [The Eastern World: Experiences of Social Transformation], Moscow: Muravey Publ., 2001, pp. 120-204 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Problemy sel'skokhozyaistvennogo rosta v Indii k nachale XXI veka ("Starye" I "novye" vyzovy prodovol'stvennoy bezopasnosti) [Problems of agricultural growth in India by the beginning of the XXI century ("Old" and " new " challenges to food security)].
Features of economic growth in the agricultural sector of Russia. 30-90 - ies of the XX century // Questions about statistics. 2002. N 8. pp. 41-58.
Models of agricultural growth in the XX century. India, Japan, USA, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan. Moscow: IV RAS, 2004. 640 p. (sovm. with I. V. Deryugina).
Agricultural Growth in India. Some Burning Issues towards the End of the Twentieth Century // Russian Oriental Studies: Current Research on Past and Present Asian and African Societies. Leiden Boston: Brill, 2004. P. 163-192.
On the bread yield in Russia: 1795-2002 / / Voprosy statistiki. 2004. N 5. Pp. 47-65 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Economic growth in the agricultural sector of Russia. Problemy XX veka [Problems of the XX century]. Moscow: IIC "Statistics of Russia". 2005. 287 p. (co-authored with I. V. Deryugina).
Land Reform in India / / India. Spravochno-analiticheskoe izdanie [Reference and analytical publication], Moscow: IV RAS, 2005, pp. 314-321.
Power and the peasant in Russia. 30-e nachalo 50-kh godov XX veka (Ocherk po politekonomii "rannego sotsializma") [30-e beginning of the 50-ies of the XX century (Essay on the political economy of "early Socialism")].
Economic growth in the agricultural sector of Japan. The second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century (A brief overview of statistical data). 2006. N 12. pp. 82-90.
Khleb productivity in Russia: 1795-2007. Moscow: IV RAS, 2009. 192 p. (together with I. V. Deryugina).
Agricultural India. Paradoxes of economic growth: the second half of the XX-beginning of the XXI century Moscow: IV RAS, 2010. 128 p.
The Achilles ' heel of economic growth. The experience of India (following the statistical surveys of the second half of the XX-beginning of the XXI century). Search for a Concept, Moscow: IV RAS, 2011, pp. 56-119.
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Agricultural India at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Actual problems of economic growth. Review / / India: prospects of modern development. Internal regional and global aspects. Moscow: IV RAS Publ., 2013, pp. 191-218.
Two technological methods of production in agriculture in Western and Eastern countries. Part I // Questions about statistics. 2013. N 11. pp. 57-70; Part II. 2014. N 2. pp. 70-79 (together with I. V. Deryugina).
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