G. A. KUMANEV, D. S. FIRSOVA. The Victorious Year of 1945: Collapse of the Fascist Reich
The article unfolds a broad panorama of military-political, economic and foreign-political events of winter and spring 1945. It shows that at the concluding stage of the war German fascism, despite the fact that it was doomed, offered stubborn opposition. The Soviet-German Front, the key front of the Second World War was the scene of most decisive and bloody battles. The utter defeat of German fascism and of its criminal policy aimed at world domination and the annihilation of human civilisation was made possible only due to the great advantages of socialism, courage and staunchness of the Soviet people and its Armed Forces guided by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
LEUTENANT-GENERAL B. P. UTKIN. Ideological Work During the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945
The article offers an analysis of the ideological work carried out by the CPSU to mobilise the Soviet people and the Sovet Armed forces for the rout of fascist invaders. It reveals its law-governed patterns and principles adapted to the war conditions; discusses its content, main trends, means, forms and methods, and also its specific features at different stages of the war. The author assesses the significance of the experience gained in the war years for the present-day ideological work in the Army and Navy.
The war experience is a convincing confirmation of the vital importance of the timely and argumented exposure of imperialist ideology, of subversive bourgeois propaganda. It shows that it is necessary to strengthen class awareness of the Soviet people and the Army, to educate, them in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism, Soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism.
S. P. VOITENKO, K. F. PAVLIKOV. Recent Bourgeois Historiography on the Soviet Partisan Movement During the Great Patriotic War
Foreign historians are greatly interested in the Soviet partisan movement. The article gives a critical analysis of bourgeois, mainly American and British, historical writings of the last decade dealing with the broad popular struggle against the fascist invaders behind the enemy lines on the Soviet-German front. The authors have shown that the latest bourgeois works on the subject continue to distort the major aspects of the history of the Soviet partisan movement and have exposed the scientific insolvency of the attempts of certain Western authors to belittle the significance of Marxist-Leninist ideology, of the mobilising role of the CPSU in organising the broad resistance to the aggressor, to distort the motive forces of the heroic struggle behind the enemy lines and to diminish the results of partisan warfare. In their investigation the authors drew on a wide range of historical sources and literature. They reaffirmed the conclusion that the Soviet partisan movement was a major factor of Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.
S. V. MOKIN. The Solidarity of the Working People Abroad with the Struggle of the Soviet People Against Fascism and War (1935 - 1939)
The article examines the development of the international anti-war movement between 1935 and 1939. It concentrates on the Komintern activity, on the efforts of the communist parties and numerous public organisations to rally the anti-war and anti-fascist forces, to strengthen their unity with the Soviet people in the struggle to avert the Second World War. The twentieth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution was a vivid demonstration of the solidarity of the working people abroad, and first and foremost, of the international proletariat, with the Soviet people and its struggle against war, and fascism. The author analyses numerous campaigns and events connected with the 20th anniversary, shows that their participants and the broad popular masses as a whole strove to rally their ranks and to fight, together with the Soviet people, the mounting threat of fascist military aggression. The article also examines the factors which prevented the establishment of the broad anti-war front capable of an effective support of the USSR in its struggle to avert the Second World War. The author points to the need to study the experience of the struggle for uniting the anti-fascist forces in the pre-war years to apply it to the present-day conditions.
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E. P. KRASILNIKOV. The Resistance Movement in the Netherlands (1940 - 1945)
The author regards the Resistance movement in the Netherlands as a national- liberation struggle of the popular masses against fascist invaders. He stresses the vanguard role played by the Communist Party of the Netherlands, the only political party in the country which waged for five years of occupation the courageous struggle against the enemy in conditions of undergroud work. Strikes were one of the forms of resistance. The first massive political strike in the occupied countries of Europe was the strike of February 1941 organised by the Communist Party. About one million took part in the April-May 1943 strike in the country. Opposition to driving people to forced labour in Germany acquired great scope in the Netherlands. The Resistance fighters also resorted to sabotage, distribution of clandestinely printed newspapers and acts of armed struggle against the occupants. Armed detachments of the Resistance took part in the fights for the liberation of their country.
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