G. A. VORONTSOV. Inconsistent Character of the Imperialist Policy from the Position of Strength Towards the USSR (on the 60th Anniversary of the "Period of Recognition" of the USSR by Capitalist Countries).
The article analyses the imperialist policy from the position of strength towards the USSR which proved to be inconsistent back in the twenties and which is even more so in the eighties. The author draws on wide historical material to illustrate the futility of NATO and US aggressive circles' efforts to throw socialism to the "dump of history", to have their social revenge. The US and NATO militarist policy is opposed in the article with the peaceful and constructive foreign-policy course of the CPSU and the Soviet state aimed at averting a new war and promoting security and disarmament.
Yu. A. TIKHONOV. Congresses oí the All-Russia Society for Protecting Historical and Cultural Monuments.
The article shows that during the two decades of its existence the society has become a mass organisation of Soviet public. From one congress to another it increased its material support and other kinds of assisstance to the government bodies engaged in protection and maintenance of monuments in the Russian Federation. Its congresses concentrated on problems of wider use of monuments for educational, cultural and scientific purposes. Their participants also paid much attention to restoration, improvement of design and construction activities both in town and countryside, and to better coordination of protection and maintenace measures and the work of museums and tourist agencies.
ACADEMICIAN A. M. SAMSONOV. Documents of the Epoch.
These words are used to describe letters commenting on books about the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 written by those readers who took part in military actions in which they describe war episodes and provide hitherto unknown details. The author cites from letters he recieved containing comments on his books about the war (mainly on the monograph From the Volga to the Baltic) and demonstrates that they should be regarded as historical source material.
S. S. KHESIN Attitude of the Working People in Non-Russian Areas of Russia to the Issue of Power on the Eve of the 1917 October Revolution.
In his analysis the author draws on the results of the Constituent Assembly elections held in 1917 in non-Russian constituencies and the stand taken by the delegates to local Soviets at the 2nd All-Russia Congress of Soviets, uses these and some other materials to describe political sentiments prevailing among the working people there on the eve of the 1917 October Revolution and their attitude to the issue of power. The article pays special attention to the working class' revolutionary role in this region and its resolute support of the Bolsheviks.
N. V. KUZNETSOVA. Establishment of Soviet-French Diplomatic Relations.
Archival materials, French and Soviet press were used by the author to analyse the struggle on the French political scene around the recognition of the Soviet state. The article shows how the movement for establishing diplomatic relations with the Land of Soviets emerged and consolidated unfluenced by the struggle of the working people, progressive-minded intelligentsia and progressive public figures, and stimulated by trade and industrial circles. Traditional economic, cultural and scientific ties between the two countries were an objective prerequisite for normalising relations in the post-October 1917 period. In October 1924 the Herriot Government recognised the USSR both de jure and de facto.
A. V. KUZMISHCHEV. Francisco Morazán and the Struggle for a United Central American State (1821 - 1830).
The article deals with Morazán's biography, his role in the establishment of and heading the united Central American state in the 1820s. The author sees close similarity between the struggle against reaction and obscurantism waged by this major military and political figure in the first half of the 19th century and the anti-oligarchic and anti-imperialist struggle waged today by the peoples of the region.
стр. 190
Problems of History, N. 10, 1984
Articles: G. A. Vorontsov. Inconsistent Character of the Imperialist Policy from the Position of Strength Towards the USSR; Yu. A. Tikhonov. Congresses of the All- Russia Society for Protecting Historical and Cultural Monuments; Academician A. M. Samsonov.Documents of the Epoch; S. S. Khesin. Attitude of the Working People in Non-Russian Areas of Russia to the Issue of Power on the Eve of the 1917 October Revolution; N. V. Kuznetsova. Establishment of Soviet-French Diplomatic Relations; A. V. Kuzmishchev.Francisco Morazán and the Struggle for a United Central American State (1821 - 1830). Historical Essays: I. P. Leiberov, Z. I. Peregudova. Author of the Script About the Legendary Potyomkin Battleship; Yu. G. Alexeyev. The 1480 Feudal Mutiny. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. "Surveys: T. L. Labutina. England Between the Two Revolutions (1660 - 1688). Book Reviews: Maslov N. N. The Marxist-Leninist Methods of Studies of the Party History; Gavrilov L. M. Soldiers' Committees During the October 1917 Revolution (Army-in- the-Field); Eroshkin N. P. A History of Government Bodies of Pre-Revolutionary Russia; Klyuchevsky V. O. Unpublished Works; Nemirovsky A. I. The Etruscans. From Myth to History; A History of Primitive Society. General Problems. Problems of Anthroposociogenesis; P. Chabal. Amilcar Cabrai. Revolutionary Leadership and People's War (London). Facts. Events. People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
de la revue "Questions d'histoire" N 10. 1984
Articles : G. A. Vorontsov. L'inconsistance de la politique de la position de force impérialiste à l'égard de l'U.R.S.S. ; You. A. Tikhonov. Les congrès de la Société pour la protection des monuments d'histoire et de culture de Russie ; L'académicien A. M. Samsonov.Les documents de l'époque ; S. S. Khessine. La position des travailleurs des régions périfériques de la Russie concernant le pouvoir à la veille de l'Octobre ; N. V. Kouznétsova. L'établissement des relations diplomatiques soviéto-francaises ; A. V. Kouzmichtchev.Francisco Morazán et la lutte pour un Etat latino-américain uni ( 1821 - 1830). Apercus historiques: I. P. Leïbérov, Z. I. Pérégoudova. L'auteur du scénario du film sur le légendaire cuirassé "Potemkine" ; You. G. Alexéev. La révolte féodale de 1480. La science historique en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger. Revues : T. L. Laboutina. L'Angleterre entre deux révolutions ( 1660 - 1688). Comptes rendus des livres: N. N. Maslov. Les méthodes marxistes-léninistes de la recherche sur l'histoire du parti ; L. M. Gavrilov. Les comités de soldats pendant la Révolution d'Octobre ( armée en campagne ) ; N. P. Erochkine. L'histoire des établissements d'Etat de la Russie prérévolutionnaire ; V. O. Klutchevski. Les ?uvres inédites ; A. I. Némirovski. Les Etrusques. Du mythe vers l'histoire ; L'histoire de la société primitive. Questions générales. Problèmes de l'anthroposociogenèse ; P. Chabal. Amilcar Carbral. La direction révolutionnaire et la guerre populaire. Faits. Evénements. Hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques soviétiques et étrangères Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et à l'étranger.
стр. 191
revista "Cuestiones de historia" N. 10, 1984
Artículos: G. A. Vorontsov. Inconsistencia de la política imperialista desde las posiciones de fuerza respecto a la URSS; Yu. A. Tíjonov. Congresos de la Sociedad de toda Rusia para protección de monumentos de la historia y la cultura; A. M. Samsónov, miembro efectivo de la AC de la URSS. Documentos de la época; S. S. Jesin. Actitud de los trabajadores en las regiones nacionales de Rusia hacia el problema del poder en vísperas de la Revolución de Octubre; N. V. Kuznetsova. Establecimiento de las relaciones diplomáticas soviético-francesas; A. V. Kuzmíschev. Francisco Morazán y la lucha por el Estado centroamericano único (1821 - 1830). Ensayos históricos: I. P. Léiberov, Z. I. Peregúdova. Guionista del filme sobre el legendario acorazado "Potiomkin"; Yu. G. Alexéev. Motín feudal de 1480. Ciencia histórica en la URSS y en el exterior. Resúmenes: T. L. Labútina. Inglaterra entre las dos revoluciones (1660 - 1688). Reseñas de libros: N. N. Máslov. Métodos marxistas- leninistas de la investigación histérico-partidista; L. M. Gavrílov. Comités de soldados en la Revolución de Octubre (ejército en campaña); N. P. Eroshkin. Historia de las instituciones estatales de Rusia prerrevolucionaria; V. O. Kliuchevski. Obras no publicadas; A. I. Nemirovski. Los etruscos. Desde el mito hasta la historia; Historia de la sociedad primitiva. Cuestiones generales. Problemas de la antroposociogénesis; P. Chabal. Amilcar Cabrai. Revolutionary Leadership and People's Was. London. Hechos. Sucesos. Hombres. Artículos en las revistas históricas soviéticas y extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS y en el exterior.
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