S. L. TIKHVINSKY. Concerning the Tasks Facing Historical Science in the Context of Implementation of the Decisions of the June 1983 Plenary Session of the CC CPSU
The article discusses the tasks facing Soviet historians in the light of the June 1983 Plenary Session of the CC CPSU, the efforts made and charted by the Bureau of the Department of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, institutes and research councils of the Academy with a view to carrying out these decisions. Successes achieved in the study of topical problems of the historical science are being pointed out. Attention is given to pertinent drawbacks.
V. I. BUGANOV. History of the USSR as Reflected in the "Life of Remarkable People" Series.
The article surveys the design of the series as proposed by Maxim Gorky before the October revolution and its execution beginning with 1933. In the past 50 years hundreds of books about the lives and endeavour of great people from ancient times to our days have been published. A notable place in the series is occupied by biographies of members of the peoples of our multinational country such as the leaders of popular movements, Russian revolutionaries who represented the three stages of the liberation movement of the 19th century and the early 20th century (Decembrists, non-gentry intellectuals, and Bolsheviks), statesmen and brilliant generals of the past and present, outstanding figures in Russian and Soviet culture and science. A special place is set aside for portraits of Soviet statesmen, leaders of the Russian Civil and Great Patriotic wars as well as of the Soviet Youth Communist League (Komsomol), advanced production workers, distinguished pilots, borderguards, sportsmen.
All books in the series are brought together by respect for the rich and heroic past of our country, patriotism and a striving for accuracy in the presentation of events of the past. The series has played, and plays now, a big role in the popularization of historical knowledge and in fostering a spirit of patriotism, a sense of civic responsibility, an awareness of a duty to the homeland.
Yu. I. IGRITSKY. Present-Day Bourgeois Historiography of the Russia-West Problem
The article analyzes the present-day bourgeois historiography pertaining to the problems of Russian history and of Russia's place in world history. The author criticizes conceptions of Russia's "alienness" to Europe giving special attention to Russophobic works which have the aim of buttressing the present US Administration's policy of confrontation with the Soviet Union. The article's underlying thesis can be summed up as saying that the desire to place Russia (or any other country) outside the general course of world development destroys the integrity and unity of the historical process opening up broad vistas for militant subjectivism. At the same time, it is shown that the correctness of positions such as these is being contested in a number of unbiased and otherwise serious studies by Western historians.
Yu. L. BESSMERTNY. Feudal Revolution of the 10th - 11th Centuries?
The article represents a scholarly scrutiny of a new periodization of the history or West-European feudalism and a new interpretation of the very essence of the system itself as proposed by G. Duby, P. Toubert, R. Fossier and other French historians. While recognizing the fruitfulness of a number of their scholarly hypotheses, the author, however, tries to prove the untenability of considering the turning point brought by the 10th - 11th centuries as a "feudal revolution," in the course of which feudal society came into existence. The author sees the essence of this social change in the rise of the early form of feudalism to its mature stage.
стр. 190
CONTENTS of the Journal Problems of History, N 1, 1984
Articles: Academician S. L. Tikhvinsky. Concerning the Tasks Facing Historical Science in the Context of Implementation of the Decisions of the June 1983 Plenary Session of the CC CPSU; V. I. Buganov. History of the USSR as Reflected in the "Life of Remarkable People" Series; Yu. I. Igritsky. Present-day Bourgeois Historiography of the Russia - West Problem; Yu. I. Bessmertny. Feudal Revolution of the 10th - 11th Centuries? Historical Essays: V. I. Nosach. First Steps towards New Labour Discipline (October 1917 - 1920); A. K. Kavko. A Policy of Friendship and Cooperation; N. I. Pavlenko. First Field-Marshal in Russia. Historical Science in USSR and Abroad. Surveys: Yu. Ye. Ivonin. Modern Bourgeois Historiography of International Relations of the Late Middle Ages. Book Reviews: Internationalism of the Soviet People (History and our Time); S. L. Senyavsky. Social Structure of Soviet Society in the Conditions of Developed Socialism (1961 - 1980); Yu. B. Solovyov. Autocracy and Nobility in the 1902 - 1907 Period; N. V. Minayeva. Government Constitutionalism and Progressive Public Opinion of Russia in the Early 19th Century; Documents and Materials on the History of Soviet-Czechoslovak Relations. Volume 4. Book Two (December 1943 - May 1945); International Working-Class Movement. Questions of History and Theory. Volume Six. Working-Class Movement in the Developed Capitalist Countries after the Second World War (1945 - 1979); A. P. Levandovsky. Cavalier Saint-Just. A Tale about a Great French Revolutionary; History of the German Social-Democracy, 1917 - 1945 (Berlin). International Ties of Soviet Historians. Scientific Notes. Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
SOMMAIRE de la revue "Questions d'histoire" n 1, 1984
Articles: L'academicien S. L. Tikhvinski. A propos des taches de la science historique dans la realisation des decisions de la session pleniere du C.C. du P.C.U.S. (Juin 1983); V. I. Bouganov. L'histoire nationale dans la collection "Vies des homines illustres"; You. I. Igritski. L'historiographie bourgeoise contemporaine du probleme "La Russie et l'Ouest"; You. L. Bessmertny. Est-ce la "revolution feodale" des Xe-XIe siecles ? Apercus historiques: V. I. Nossatch. Les premiers pas vers la discipline nouvelle du travail ( octobre 1917 - 1920) ; A. K. Kavko. Dans la voie de I'amitie et de la cooperation; N. I. Pavlenko. Le premier feld-marechal en Russie. La science historique en U.R.S.S. et а Petranger. Revues : You. E. Ivonine. Les relations internationales du bas moyen age vues par l'historiographie bourgeoise contemporaine. Comptes rendus des livres: L'internationalisme du peuple sovietique (Histoire et epoque contemporaine ) ; S. L. Seniavski. La structure sociale de la societe sovietique dans les conditions du socialisme developpe (1961 - 1980); You. B. Soloviev. L'autocratie et la noblesse en 1902 - 1907; N. V. Minaieva. Le constitutionnalisme gouvernemental et l'opinion publique progressiste de Russie au debut du XIXe siecle Documents et materiaux relatifs a l'histoire des relations sovieto-tchecoslovaques. Tome 4. Livre deuxieme (decembre 1943 - mai 1945) ; Le mouvement ouvrier international. Questions d'histoire et de theorie. Tome sixierne. Le mouvement ouvrier des pays capitalistes evolues apres la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1945 - 1979); A. P. Levandovski. Le chevalier Saint-Just. Recit sur le grand revolutionnaire frangais ; Histoire de la social- democratie allemande. 1917 - 1945 (Berlin). Les liens in ternationaux des historiens sovietiques. Notes scientifiques. Faits, evenements, hommes. Articles dans les revues historiques sovietiques et etrangeres. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et a l'etrabger.
стр. 191
SUMARIO revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 1, 1984
Articulos: S. L. Tijvinski, miembro efectivo de la AC de la URSS. Sobre las tareas de la ciencia historica para cumplir las decisiones del Pleno de junio (1983) del CC del PCUS; V. I. Buganov. Historia patria en la serie "Vida de personas destacadas"; Yu. I. Igritski. Historiografia burguesa contemporanea del problema "Rusia у Occidente"; Yu. L. Bessmertni. Revolucion feudal de los siglos X у XI? Ensayos historicos: V. I. Nosach. Primeros pasos hacia una nueva disciplina del trabajo (octubre de 1917 - 1920): A. K. Kavko. Por el rumbo de la amistad у cooperacion; N. I. Pavlenko. El primer mariscal de campo en Rusia. Ciencia historica en la URSS у en el exterior. Resumenes: Yu. E. Ivonin. Historiografia burguesa contemporanea sobre las relaciones internacionales en el Bajo Medievo. Resenas de libros: El internacionalismo del pueblo sovietico (Historia у contemporaneidad); S. L. Seniavski. Estructura social de la sociedad sovietica en el socialismo desarrollado (1961 - 1980); Yu. B. Soloviov. Autocracia у nobleza en 1902 - 1907; N. V. Minaeva. El constitucionalismo gubernarnental у la opinion publica avanzada de Rusia a comienzos del siglo XIX; Documentos у materiales sobre la historia de las relaciones sovietico- checoslovacas. Tomo 4. Libro segundo (diciembre de 1943 - mayo de 1945); Movimiento obrero internacional. Cuestiones de historla у teoria. Tomo sexto. Movimiento obrero de los paises capitalistas desarrollados despues de la segunda guerra mundial (1945 - 1979); A. P. Levandovski. El caballero Saint- Just. Historia de un gran revolucionario frances; Historia de la socialdemocracia alemana 1917 - 1945 (Berlin). Relaciones internacionales de historiadores sovieticos. Apuntes cientificos. Hechos, acontecirnientos, personas. Articulos en las revistas historicas sovieticas у extranjeras. Nuevos libros en la URSS у en el exterior.
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