I. P. OSTAPENKO. The Growing Role of the Soviet Working Class in Production Management in the 1970s.
Drawing extensively on archive and other materials covering the ninth and tenth five-year periods the author demonstrates that the numerical growth of the working class and upgrading its cultural level and technical knowledge have led to its more active involvement in production management. This is realised through representatives of the working class in state and government bodies at all levels The broadest participation, however, is ensured to the labour collectives through the system of public organisations and bodies, such as standing production conferences, workers' meeting, creative production amalgamations and the like. Workers and their public organisations deal with both production (planning, labour organisation, technological rating) and social (personnel and labour discipline problem) aspects of management. The growing role of the working class in production management is seen by the author as one of the development trends of socialist democracy.
M. P. POLSKY. Public Catering in the First 15 Years of Soviet Power.
The author shows that public forms of catering had a considerable role to play in the solution of the food problem during the first years of Soviet power and greatly contributed to the socialist construction in the USSR. The Communist Party and the Soviet government took measures aimed at supplying food to the workers and children in the first place.
Zh. Zh. GAKAEV. The Soviets of Soldiers' Deputies in the Don Area and the Northern Caucasus in the Period From February to October 1917.
The article traces the process of formation and activity of the Soviets of Soldiers' Deputies in the garrisons of the South-East Russia during the preparation of the 1917 Great October Socialist Revolution, shows their role in spreading revolutionary sentiments in the army and winning over the majority cf soldiers to the side of the proletariat. The author summarises the forms and methods of struggle used by the Bolsheviks of the area to dominate the Soviets which was made possible due to the inconsistency of the conciliatory parties and the going over of rear garrisons to the side of the Bolsheviks.
N. NIKOLAEV. An Important Landmark in Soviet-British Relations.
The article is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the USSR and Great Britain and traces their development throughout this period. Historical facts, Lenin's pronouncements, opinions voiced by British political figures are used to demonstrate that mutually advantageous relations between the two countries in the political, economic, cultural and other fields invariably contributed to the cause of peace.
A. VINOGRADOV. Soviet-Italian Relations: 60 Years (1924 - 1983).
The author, mainly analyses the present stage of Soviet-Italian relations, between 1960 and 1983, since it was precisely at the turn of the 1970s that a marked turn to the best occurred in all fields of their cooperation. Particular attention is paid to more important spheres of Soviet-Italian cooperation - political, trade economic, scientific-technological. The author reveals the international factors behind a certain decline, in the early 1980s, and the subsequent uneven Soviet-Italian relations. Negative shifts in the international situation, writes Vinogradov, affect the foreign policy of Italian ruling circles: they are compelled, while preserving the general orientation towards the US, to vacillate between active orthodox "Atlantic solidarity" and their objective need in constructive development of East-West relations.
A. A. SVANIDZE. Landed Estates and Dependent Peasants in Sweden up Till the End of the Classical Middle Ages.
The article deals with the evolution of the groups of Swedish dependent peasants in the 11th-15th centuries and emphasises that contrary to the current opinion, in 11th-14th - century Sweden there existed various types of peasant land, personal and legal bondage. Its liquidation and the transfer to long-term lease as a form of senioral exploitation and feudal land tenure were the result and, at the same time, an indication of Sweden's entry into the second phase of developed feudalism. The author concludes the article with the discussion on the general and the specific in Swedish feudalism.
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Problems of History, N. 2, 1984
Articles: I. P. Ostapenko. The Growing Role of the Soviet Working Class in Production /vlanagement in the 1970s; M. P. Polsky. Public Catering in the First 15 Years of Soviet Power; Zh. Zh. Gakaev. The Soviets of Soldiers' Deputies in the Don Area and the Northern Caucasus in the Period From February to October 1917; N. Nikolaev. An Important Landmark in Soviet-British Relations; A. Vinogradov. Soviet-Italian Relations: 60 Years (1924 - 1983); A. A. Svanidze. Landed Estates and Dependent Peasants in Sweden up Till the End of the Classical Middle Ages. Essays on the History of the USSR: E. A. Yansen. 19th-century Estonian Culture. Historical Essays: E. M. Shtaerman. Roman Slaves. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: S. A. Baibakov, Yu. Ya. Tereshchenko, V. A. Fedorov. Historical Roots of the Great Friendship; V. G. Sirotkin, S. A. Prokopenko. History of Historiography. A New International Journal, Book Reviews: Academician A. M. Samsonov. The Battle of Stalingrad; The Civil War and Foreign Intervention in the USSR. An Encyclopaedia; G. V. Alferova, V. A. Kharlamov. Kiev in the Second Half of the 17th Century. A Historico-Architectural Essay; I. I. Yanchuk. The US Policy in Latin America. 1918 - 1928; A. A. Kutsenkov. The Evolution of the Indian Caste System; T. L. Labutina. Political Struggle in England During the Stuart Restoration. 1660 - 1681; B. Meehan-Waters. Autocracy and Aristocracy. The Russian Service Elite of 1730. (New Brunswick-New Jersey) History of German Colonialism in Africa. Facts, Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.
de la revue "Questions d'histoire", n 2, 1984.
Articles: I. P. Ostapenko. L'accroissement du role de la classe ouvriere de l'U.R.S.S. dans la gestion de la production au cours des annees 70; M. P. Polski. Le probleme de l'alimentation publique pendant les premieres 15 annees du Pouvoir sovietique; J. J. Gakaiev.Les Soviets des deputes de soldats du Don et du Caucase du Nord: du Fevrier a l?Octobre ; N. N. Nikolaiev. Une date memorable dans les relations sovieto-britanniques ; A. Vinogradov. Les relations sovieto-italiennes au cours de 60 ans (1924 - 1983) ; A. A. Svanidze. Le domaine et la paysannerie dependante en Suede jusqu'a la fin du moyen age classique. Apercus d'histoire de la culture nationale: E. A. Yansen. La culture estonienne du XIXe siecle. Apercus historiques: E. M. Chtaierman. Les esclaves romains. La science historique en URSS et а l'etranger. Revues : S. A. Baibakov, You. Ya. Terechtchenko, V. A. Fedorov. Les racines historiques de la grande amitie; V. G. Sirotkine, S. A. Prokopenko. Une revue internationale nouvelle " Istoria istoriografii " ( L'histoire de l'historiographie). Comptes rendus des livres: L'academicien A. M. Samsonov. La bataille de Stalingrad : La guerre civile et l'intervention militaire en U.R.S.S. L'encyclopedie : G. V. Alferova, V. A. Kharlamov. Kiev dans la seconde moitie du XVIIe siecle. Apenju d'histoire et d'architecture; I. I. Yantchouk. La politique des Etats-Unis en Amerique latine. 1918 - 1928; A. A.Koutsenkov. L'evolution de la caste indienne; T. L. Laboutina. La lutte politique en Angleterre dans la periode de la restauration des Stuart. 1660 - 1681 ; B. Meehan-Waters. Autocratie et aristocratie. L'elite russe de service de 1730 (New Brunswick - New Jersey); L'histoire du colonialisme allemand en Afrique. Faits. Evenements, Hommes. Articles dans les revues sovietiques et etrangeres. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et a l'etranger.
стр. 191
revista "Cuestiones de historia" N 2, 1984
Articulos: I. P. Ostapenko. Aumento del papel que la clase obrera de la URSS desempeno en la direccion de la produccion en los anos 70; M. P. Polski. Problema de la alimentation publica en los primeros 15 anos del Poder sovietico; Zh. Zh. Gakaev. Los Soviets de los diputados de soldados del Don у el Caucaso del Norte desde Febrero hasta Octubre; N. Nikolaev. Fecha memorable de las relaciones sovietico-inglesas; A. Vinogradov. Relaciones sovietico-italianas en 60 anos (1924 - 1983); A. A. Svanidze. La finca у el campesinado dependiente en Suecia hasta fines del Medievo clasico. Ensayos de historia de la cultura patria: E. A. Jansen. Cultura estonia del siglo XIX. En sауоshistoriсоs: E. M. Shtaerman. Esclavos de Roma. Ciencia historica en la URSS у en el exterior. Resiimenes: S. A. Baibakov, Yu. Ya. Tereschenko, S. A. Fiodorov; Raices historicas de la gran amistad; V. G. Sirotkin, S. A. Prokopenko. Nueva revista internacional "Historia de la historiografia". Resenas de libros: A. M. Samsonov, miembro efectivo de la AC de la URSS. La batalla de Stalingrado; La guerra civil у la intervention militar en la URSS. Enciclopedia; G. V. Alfiorova, V. A. Jarlamov. Kiev en la segunda mitad del siglo XVII. Ensayo historico у de arquitectura; I. I. Yanchuk. Politica de EE.UU. en America Latina. 1918 - 1928; A. A. Kutsenkov. Evolution de la casta india; T. L. Labutina. La lucha politica en Inglaterra en el periodo de la restauracion de los Estuardos. 1660 - 1681; B. Meehan-Waters. Autocracy and Aristocracy. The Russian Service Elite of 1730. (New Brunswick-New Jersey); Historia del colonialismo aleman en Africa. Hechos, acontecimientos, persona s. Articulos en las revistas historicas sovieticas y extranjerafc. Nuevos libros en la URSS у en el exterior.
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