Libmonster ID: IN-385

V. B. SEOYEV. In the Struggle for the Radical Change.

The Great feat of arms at Stalingrad occupies a special place among the victories scored by the Soviet Army in the Great Patriotic War. The present article is an attempt at demonstrating the situation which had been formed by the beginning of the 1942 summer campaign when the battle at Stalingrad began. Without going into details of the armed struggle on the Volga, the author defines the place of these in the context of the struggle on the Soviet-German front in the second half of 1942 and early 1943, in the struggle for the radical change in the Great Patriotic War. The impact of the Soviet armed forces' victory on the Volga on the course of the Allies' armed struggle on other fronts of the Second World War and on the national- liberation movement in the occupied countries are shown.

A. M. SAMSONOV. The Contribution of the Soviet Rear into the Victory at Stalingrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad is widely discussed in Soviet historical writings but so far there is no special study on the contribution of the Soviet rear. The author shows how the Soviet working class, collective farm peasantry and intelligentsia in the difficult conditions supplied the front with everything necessary for repulsing the onslaught and, at the same time, created conditions for the radical change in the Great Patriotic and the Second World War. The Soviet people proved able to withstand the grim trials of the initial period of the war due to the advantages of the socialist planned economy and the social and state system. By the end of 1942 the USSR had already built war economy, it had scored first victories over the economy of the fascist Germany which was one of the main conditions of the historic victory at Stalingrad.

O. N. VILKOV. Trade and Industrial Development of Siberia by the Peasantry at the Turn of the 18th Century.

The article is one of the first generalising studies on the types, dissemination, volume, marketability and the nature of the trade-industrial activity of Siberian peasants. The author discusses the place of markets and handicrafts in the life of the first settlers, the reasons why the trade activity of peasants was inadequately reflected in customs books and why hunting was more popular among the peasants than fishing. He establishes the interconnection between peasant handicrafts and imports of goods to Siberia. From its very inception flour- grinding was of marketable character. The 1670s saw the increase of the marketability of peasant hemp and flax weaving and of other peasant handicrafts which resulted in peasant handicraftsmen quitting landtijling.

V. A. TISHKOV. The Status of Historian in the USA.

The author takes as his subject the institutionalised sociological aspects ot the functioning of the historical science in the USA: the general training of personnel, including training of doctors of history, the sphere of the historian's employment and specialisation, the problem of labour conditions, activity of professional organisations and financing and management of research. He points out that the role of the historical science in the social life has been enhanced, the number of highly qualified specialists has increased, the methods and methodology of the historian's work have improved. Alongside the above-mentioned facts the author indicates the appearance of some crisis phenomena such as an aggravation of the problem of employment, devaluation of teaching at higher educational establishments, weakening of intra-professional ties and of the role of leading scientific associations, discrimination against left historians, unequal position of women-historians, lesser allocations for research.

V. A. SHMAROV. The Cyprus Question.

The integrated nature of the Cyprus question, its inner and outer aspects and the fact that inter-communal conflicts were used by the imperialist diplomacy as a pretext for open interference into the internal affairs of the Republics of Cyprus, for undermining its status as a non-aligned state and for turning the island into a Nato military-strategic spring-board in the Mediterranean and the Near East are discussed and the consistent and principled Soviet position on this question aimed at saveguarding the sovereign state of Cyprus from foreign interference is expounded.

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N. A. KHACHATURYAN. The Town in the System of the Feudal Structure.

The author discusses a problem, current in the Soviet historical research, of the feudal nature of mediaeval town using materials pertaining to the West European town and basing his analysis on the works of the founders of Marxism. The article contains historiographic material reflecting, to a certain degree, the state and developmental stages of the Soviet studies of the West European town, and different opinions on its nature. The analysis of property character in towns and the conditions of the productive forces serves the basis for establishing the qualitative correlation between the town and the feudal structure. It brings the author to the conclusion that the feudal town reveals its feudal nature through the major components of the feudal structure-petty production and the type of the producer-owner of labour implements, and the corporative nature of property. Much attention is paid to the methodology of treating the main problem, in particular, the correlation between the logical and historical methods of research.


"Problems of History", N. 1, 1983

Articles: V. B. Seoyev. In the Struggle for the Radical Change; Academieiart A. M. Samsonov. The Contribution of the Soviet Rear into the Victory at Stalingrad; O. N. Vilkov. Trade and Industrial Development of Siberia by the Peasantry at the Turn of the 18th Century; V. A. Tishkov. The Status of Historian in the USA; V. A. Shmarov. The Cyprus Question; N. A. Khachaturyan. The Town in the System of the Feudal Structure. Reminiscences of Academician N. M. Druzhinin about Three Women Participants in the Revolutionary Struggle. Publications: The 1509 Treaty Between Pskov and Livonia. Historical Essays: K. G. Maksimov. An Imperialist Guardian in Micronesia. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. Surveys: Yu. V. Kudrina. Contemporary History of Denmark in Danish Historiography. Book Reviews: V. M. Danilenko. The Ukrainian SSR-the RSFSR Cooperation in the Field of Education and Science in the Period of Socialist Construction; I. E. Zelenin. Soviet State Farms in the Pre-War Five-Year Plan Periods. 1928 - 1941; L. K. Shkarenkov. White Emigration's Agony; I. A. Dyakonova. The Nobel Corporation in Russia; V. I. Buganov, A. A. Preobrazhensky, Yu. A. Tikhonov. The Evolution of Feudalism in Russia. Social and Economic Problems; V. P. Moshnyaga. The Youth in the Struggle for Peace and Social Progress; V. N. Beletsky. The Meeting in Potsdam; M. F. Gornov. V. G. Tkachenko. Latin America: the Experience of People's Coalitions and Class Struggle; Bistra Tsvetkova. The Memorial Battle of the Nations: South-Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Conquest. End of the 14th-First Half of the 15th Century. (Sofia), and others. International Ties of Soviet Historians. Facts. Events. People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad.


de la revue "Questions d'histoire", n1, 1983

Articles: V. B. Seoev. Dans la lutte pour le tournant radical; A. M. Samsonov, de l'Academie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S. La contribution de l'arriere a la victoire sous Stalingrad; O. N. Vilkov. La mise en valeur industrielle et artisanale de la Sibene par les paysans a la fin du XVIe - debut du XVIIIe siecle; V. A. Tichkov. Le statut de la profession de l'historien aux Etats-Unis ; V. A. Chmarov. La question de Chypre ; N. A. Khatchatourian. La ville au sein du systeme de la formation feodale. Memoires de l'academi-cien N. M. Droujinine. Trois participantes a la lutte revolutionnaire. Ecrits inedits: L'accord de 1509 entre Pskov et la Livonie. Apercus historiques: K. G. Maximov Le tuteur imperialiste a Micronesie. Science historique en U.R.S.S. et а letranger. Revues : You. V. Koudrina. L'histoire contemporaine du Danemark vue par l'his-toriographie danoise d'aujourd'hui. Comptes rendus des livres : V. M. Danilenko. La coope-

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ration entre la R.S.S. d'Ukraine et la R.S.F.S.R. dans le domaine de l'instruction et de la science au cours de l'edification du socialisme; I. E. Zelenine. Les sovkhozes de l'U.R.S.S. dans les annees des quinquennats d'avant-guerre. 1928 - 1941 ; L. K. Chkarenkov. L'agonie de Immigration blanche ; I. A. Diakonova. La corporation de Nobel en Russie; V. I. Bouganov, A. A. Preobrajenski, You. A. Tikhonov. L'evolution du feodalisme en Russie. Les problemes economiques et sociales ; V. P. Mochniaga. La jeunesse en lutte pour la paix et le progres social; V. N. Beletski. La rencontre a Potsdam; M. F. Gornov, V. G. Tkatchenko. L'Amerique latine : l'experience des coalitions populaires et la lutte de classes ; Bistra Tsvetkova. La bataille memorable des peuples : FEurope du Sud-Est et les conquetes ottomanes. La firi du XlVe - premiere moitie du XVe siecle (Sofia), et autres. Relations Internationales des historiens sovietiques. Faits, evenements, h о in m e s. Articles dans les publications historiques sovietiques et etrangeres. Nouveaux livres en U.R.S.S. et a l'etranger.


revista "Cuestiones de historia" N. 1, 1983

Artiсulоs: V. B. Seoev. En lucha por el cambio radical; A. M. Samsonov, miembro efectivo de la AC de la URSS. Aportacion de la retaguardia sovietica en la conquista del triunfo en los alrededores de Stalingrado; S. N. Vilkov. Desarrollo de caza у asimilacion industrial de Siberia por los campesinos desde fines del siglo XVI hasta comienzos del siglo XVIII; V. A. Tishkov. Status de la profesion de historiador en EE.UU.; V. A. Shmarov. Problema de Chipre; N. A. Jachaturian. La ciudad en el sistema de la formacion feudal. Memories de N. M. Druzhinin, miembro efectivo de la AC de la URSS. Sobre tres participantes de la lucha revolucionaria. Publicaciones: Acuerdo de Pskov con Livonia en 1509. Ensayos historicos: K. G. Maxfmov. El tutor imperialista en Micronesia. Ciencia historica en la URSS у en el exterior. Resiimenes: Yu. V. Kiidrina. La historia contemporanea de Dinamarca en la historiografia danesa actual. Resenas de libros: V. M. Danilenko. La cooperation de la RSS de Ucrania у la RSFSR en la education у la ciencia en el periodo de la edification del socialismo; I. E. Zelenin. Los sovjoses de la URSS en los anos de los quinquenios de preguerra. 1928 - 1941; L. K. Shkarenkov. Agonia de la emigration blanca; I. A. Diakonova. Corporation Nobel en Rusia; V. I. Buganov, A. A. Preobrazhenski, Yu. A. Tijonov. Evolution del feudalismo en Rusia. Problemas socioeconormcos; V. P. Moshniaga. La juventud en lucha por la paz у el progreso social; V. N. Beletski. Encuentro en Potsdarn; M. F. Gornov, V. G. Tkachenko. America Latina: la experiencia de las coaliciones populares у la lucha de clases; Bistra Tsvetkova. La lucha memorable de los pueblos: el Sudeste de Europa у la conquista osmanli. Fines del siglo XIV у primera mitad del siglo XV (Sofia). etc. Relaciones internacionales de historiadores sovieticos. Hechos, acontecimientos, persona s. Articulos en las publicaciones historicas sovieticas у extranjeras. Nuevos libros en La URSS у en el exterior.


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