L. F. MOROZOV. The First Five-Year Plan and the Change in the Social Structure of Soviet Society.
The article is an analysis of the changes of the socio-economic structure of Soviet society resulting from the fulfilment of the First Five-Year Plan which were the consolidation of the social system without exploitation with classes connected with the socialist economy predominating. The social image of workers, peasants and intelligentsia is the subject of the article, particular attention is paid to the process of ousting capitalist elements from the economy. Problems of the perfection of planning of socio-economic relations are also discussed.
K. N. TARNOVSKY. Small-Industry Organisations in Russia during the First World War.
The article studies the governmental policy of drawing cottage and small industry to the fulfilment of military orders, its technical and economic modernisation and cooperation connected with this policy and the creation of state capitalist cooperative compulsory organisations incorporated into the system of state-monopoly regulation of military production. The author used for the first time archive materials of the Section of the Agricultural Economy and Statistics of the Department of Agriculture.
A. S. MYLNIKOV. "The Lay of Igor's Host" and the Slavonic Studies from the End of the 18th to the Early 19th Century.
The author takes as his subject the problem of the study of the manuscript of "The Lay of Igor's Host" from the time of its discovery in 1788 to the time of its destruction in 1812 in the context of the development of the Russian and the world Slavonic studies. He strives to establish the names of those Russian and foreign scholars who saw, studied and translated the manuscript, the number of copies made by them and systemitises their palaeographic and textological commentaries. Part of the material is used by the author for the first time.
P. P. CHERKASOV. French Policy in Africa (the 1970s).
The author discusses the French policy in the African continent in the 1970s, its aims and main directions in the West and Equatorial Africa, in the Maghreb countries, in the region of the African Horn and in the South of the continent. The French policy is studied in the context of the global foreign policy of the Fifth Republic and its course in the developing countries.
V. G. RUPETS. Consolidation of the Christian Trade-Union Movement.
The author shows that though Christian syndicates emerged as a result of the activity of the clergy they met the wishes of certain strata of believers who have not found their place in secular trade-union organisations. Cristian syndicalism is a very moderate reformist movement closely connected with the church.
A. S. ZHERBIN, I. P. SHASKOLSKY. The Peasant War in Finland in the End of the 16th Century.
The authors support H. Ylikangas' concept that the greatest peasant war in the history of Finland "The Club War" of 1596 - 1597 was caused not by accidental coincidence (as was though by Finnish historians) but by the increase of the feudal burden. This massive anti-feudal movement can be compared to peasant wars in Russia and in West European countries.
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