F. M. VAGANOV. The Historical Experience Gained by the CPSU in the Building of Socialism and Communism
The article brings out the significance of the experience gained by the CPSU in the building of socialism and communism. The author convincingly shows that this experience confirmed the correctness of Lenin's teaching on the proletarian party of a new type, the fundamental principles of the theory of scientific socialism concerning the historic mission devolving on the working class and its party in the revolutionary transformation of society. The article highlights the most important questions of CPSU strategy and tactics in the period of building socialism and communism, explains the significance of the dictatorship of the proletariat and of Lenin's plan for the building of socialism, underscores the importance of the general laws governing the transition to socialism, emphasizes the significance of proletarian internationalism and of CPSU activity in creating a developed socialist society and realizing the tasks of communist construction.
A. P. KORELIN, S. V. TYUTIUKIN. The Social Prerequisites of the October Revolution
The authors make an attempt to analyze the class structure of Russia on the eve of the revolution from the viewpoint of the gradual maturing of the socio-political prerequisites of the October Revolution. Drawing on the achievements of Soviet historical science, the authors give a comprehensive characteristic of the principal classes of Russian society in the epoch of imperialism and examine the extremely complicated mechanism of social relations in Russia on the eve of the October Revolution. The article shows that the only effectual force capable of solving the tasks confronting the country and averting the disaster looming over it was the proletariat and the multi-million working masses rallied behind it. The authors stress that the decisive role in creating the political army of the socialist revolution was played by the Bolshevik Party headed by V. I. Lenin.
A S. SUMBATZADE. Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan S.S.R. The Great October Revolution and the Achievements of the Peoples Inhabiting the Soviet Eastern Republics
The article graphically shows that the Great October Socialist Revolution brought the peoples of Transcaucasia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan-the former colonial borderlands of tsarist Russia-not only social but also national emancipation, that in the process of socialist construction in the republics of the Soviet East the working masses, in particular the women who had hitherto been virtually reduced to the position of slaves, attained complete liberation. As a result of the Leninist national policy steadfastly pursued by the CPSU, the development of industry and agriculture in the republics of the Soviet East proceeded at a much faster rate than in the rest of the country; unprecedented successes were achieved in the sphere of culture, which became national in form and socialist in content. The peoples of the Soviet East, the author writes in conclusion, were able to achieve social liberation and national regeneration only with the aid of the fraternal Russian people and the other Soviet nations united under the leadership of Lenin and the Communist Party founded by him.
V. P. NAUMOV. The Main Features of Contemporary Soviet Historiography of the Great October Socialist Revolution
The article briefly surveys the significant progress made by Soviet historians in studying the problems of the Great October Socialist Revolution, whose historiography has been enriched with a number of generalizing research works; at the same time, the range of available sources has become much wider and more diversified, and many new documents have been drawn into the scientific sphere. A profound analysis of Lenin's
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ideological heritage is one of the most important distinguishing features characterizing the contemporary stage of studying the October Revolution.
Pride of place in contemporary Soviet historiography of the Great October Socialist Revolution belongs to generalizing monographs. The author notes the profound elaboration of such problems as the history of classes and political parties in the revolution, analysis of the correlation and alignment of the class forces at the different stages of the revolution, the study of the process of establishing Soviet power in the most important regions of the country, research in the international significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
I. I. ORLIK. The October Revolution and World Socialism
The article highlights the international significance of the Great October Socialist Revolution and of real socialism, examining their influence on the rise and development of the socialist world system. The author brings out the correlation of internal and external factors in the development of socialist revolutions in a number of European and Asian countries, analyzes the general laws and distinctive features of the socialist revolutions and the most important trends of socio-economic transformations effected in individual countries. Much attention is devoted in the article to characterizing the main aspects of the growing unity and cohesion of the socialist community and the steadily increasing role it is coming to play in international relations.
O. I. KUROCHKINA. The Great October Socialist Revolution and the International Working-Class Movement
The article examines the impact made by the Great October Socialist Revolution on the international working-class movement both as regards its direct influence on the process of revolutionizing the working-class movement in the capitalist countries and the steadily growing influence exercised by the ideas and experience of the October Revolution and the building of socialism in the U.S.S.R. and the other socialist countries upon the contemporary working class and the contemporary working-class movement. Particular importance is attached by the author to the increasing significance of proletarian internationalism for the further development of the international working-class movement.
A. N. BYKOV. The October Revolution and International Economic Cooperation
The article examines the progressive influence exerted by the ideas of the Great October Socialist Revolution on the development of international economic relations. The author shows the consistent struggle carried on by the Soviet state at the different stages of its history for the triumph of democratic principles in economic relations between countries with differing social systems, for carrying into practical effect the Leninist policy of peaceful coexistence between them. The article discloses the historic role and significance of the emergence and development in the postwar period of international socialist division of labour, drawing attention to the specific features attending its present integration stage. The author makes a detailed analysis of the Soviet Union's policy in the sphere of external economic relations at the present stage in adaptation to the socialist, the developing and developed capitalist countries, emphasizing the beneficent influence of this policy on the process of restructuring international economic relations.
N. V. ROMANOVSKY. The Great October Socialist Revolution as Reflected in Contemporary Bourgeois Historiography
The article contains a critical analysis of bourgeois literature devoted to the October Revolution, which appeared chiefly in the 1970's. The author analyzes the evolution of methodology and methods, historico-political conceptions, the correlation of diverse groupings in bourgeois literature as regards their approach to the given problem, stressing the heightened activity displayed by the conservative, reactionary wing in bourgeois historiography (primarily in the U.S.A.). The following points are subjected to criticism: the propositions of bourgeois historiography concerning the law-governed character of the socialist revolution in Russia, its democratic, popular character; conceptions on the role of the proletariat and the Bolshevik Party in the October Revolution, on the alliance formed by the working class with the poorest segments of the peasantry, with the toiling people of all nationalities inhabiting Russia, etc.
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