The Oxford (Tractarian) Movement and its Impact on the Protestant-Catholic Conflict in Early Victorian England
Mikhail Steckevich The Oxford (Tractarian) Movement in the Context of Protestant-Catholic Conflict in Early Victorian England Mikhail Steckevich-Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies, Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia, The article deals with the role of the Oxford movement in the development of conflict between Protestantism and Roman Catholicism in Early Victorian England. The Oxford (Tractarian) movement and some of its leaders, especially J. H. Newman, denied the Protestant character of the Church of England. This denial gave a new dimension to the conflict. The analysis of events, connected with the so called "papal aggression" - the restoration of the Roman Catholic hierarchy in England (1850) - shows that the mobilizing potential of anticatholicism was quite limited, notwithstanding the widespread idea that the Tractarians were "secret agents" of Rome. Keywords: Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, anticatholicism, Early Victorian England, Church of England, Oxford movement, J.H. Newman, "papal aggression". Historical context: Protestant-Catholic confrontation in England before the beginning of the 19th century INTER-religious conflicts, as history shows, can be no less, and sometimes even more acute, than inter-religious conflicts. Like the latter, they are not limited to differences in beliefs, but also have political, cultural, and social dimensions. These circumstances were fully manifested in the Protestant-Catholic conflict in England, dating back to the era of the Roman Catholic Church.- page 201formations of the XVI century. At this time, such events occurred as the restoration of Catholicism during the reign of Mary Tudor (1553-1558), accompanied by the execution of Protestants, the defeat of the Spanish "Invincible Armada" (1588), the disclosure of the "Gunpowder Plot" organized mainly by Catholics (1605), aimed at blowing up the Parliament building. Even then, in the most diverse strat ... Read more

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The Oxford (Tractarian) Movement and its Impact on the Protestant-Catholic Conflict in Early Victorian England

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