З. S. NOVIKOVA, PhD in Economics, Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences global reserves Keywords: bauxite mining, alumina-aluminum industries, aluminum multinational corporations, energy potential, China, RUSAL Aluminum has been known to mankind for less than 200 years. The first grams of aluminum were obtained in 1825 by the Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted, and only in 1855 in the form of ingots it was presented at the World Exhibition in Paris, the fruit of the work of the French physicist Etienne St. Clair Deville. Having gone from a decorative metal comparable in price to gold and platinum, it became technically important at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. In the 20th century, aluminum has become one of the main structural materials (light, corrosion-resistant, with high ductility). The chemical element AL is the most common element of the Earth's surface: its share in the earth's crust is 8.8%, which is 2 times higher than the iron content (4.2%). The African continent is unique in terms of reserves and quality of ore raw materials for the production of aluminum, one of the most important strategic metals, the growth of consumption of which is dictated by scientific and technological progress. Steel, aluminum and copper are the three main metals of global industrial production. Although iron remains the main structural material (it accounts for more than 90% of all metal products produced in the world), without non-ferrous metals, primarily aluminum and copper, it is impossible for the modern industry to function. The invasion of aluminum in technology at the beginning of the XX century was primarily due to the development of aircraft construction, and it rightfully earned the reputation of a" winged " metal. Today, it is used as one of the most important metals in the nuclear, chemical, electronic, construction industries, in the production of automobiles, radiators, and in the packaging industry. A very important advantage of aluminum ... Read more

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