St. Petersburg: Publishing House "European House", 2014. 506 p. (St. Petersburg and the World series) In 2014, in the series "St. Petersburg and the World", which has been published since 2005 under the auspices of the Committee on External Relations of the Administration of St. Petersburg, the collection "St. Petersburg-Australia"was published. The aim of the series is to show the role of the Northern Capital in the development of relations with the countries of the world and with twin cities, as well as to tell about the most valuable and rich materials on Natalia SKOROBOGATYKH-Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, page 208history and culture of a particular country stored in the city's libraries, archives, and museums. This approach determined the content of the peer-reviewed publication. The St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences was responsible for the scientific part, and many articles were written and designed at a high scientific level, differing in the novelty of approaches and analysis. However, the collection, strictly speaking, is not a purely academic publication. Its authors and participants include scientists from universities and academic institutions of the Russian Federation and the Australian Union, as well as teachers, public figures (for example, Alla Petrova, organizer and leader of the Melbourne-St. Petersburg Friendship Society), officials from the St. Petersburg Administration (O. V. Koroleva, E. O. Dvorkin), an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Australian Consul in St. Petersburg Sebastian Fitzlyon and others. The desire to cover all periods of history and, if possible, all areas of relations between St. Petersburg and Australia today has led to a variety of issues raised on the pages of the collection, which includes history, biology, ecology, education, sports, cinema, fashion, high ... Read more

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