L. V. SHKVARYA Doctor of Economics Keywords: GCC, areas of application of Arab capital, Russian-Arab investments Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the Gulf States, primarily the six oil - producing monarchies-Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates-have entered the world arena as important actors. These countries-members of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (GCC, established in 1981) - have accumulated significant financial resources and are currently looking for opportunities to invest them profitably, especially due to the need to overcome the consequences of the global financial crisis. They are also interested in attracting foreign capital to diversify and modernize the national economy. Moreover, in the context of the global financial and, in recent months, the political crisis in a number of Arab countries, foreign investment for this group of States can act as a stabilizing factor, and the need for it is increasing. The specifics of the formation, attraction and export of capital of this group of states were discussed in previous articles*. The proposed publication analyzes the main problems and prospects, as well as the directions and forms of Russian-Arab investment cooperation. The external transnationalization of Russian companies and their expansion into the Persian Gulf region in the sphere of foreign direct investment and partly in the sphere of financial activity are the least studied in the Russian economic literature, as well as in the works of foreign experts on Russia. BACKGROUND AND FEATURES The Russian Federation seeks to diversify its foreign economic relations, including in the field of investment. Throughout the 1990s and especially the 2000s, Russia actively participated in the processes of international capital migration, forming mechanisms and developing directions for international investment cooperation. Our country has an interest in its development with the st ... Read more

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