Protestantism: pro et contra. Views and polemics of Russian authors in the XVI-early XXI century. Anthology
Protestantism: pro et contra. Views and polemics of Russian authors in the XVI-early XXI century. Anthology/Smirnov, St. Petersburg: Russian Academy of Arts, 2012, 846 p. (in Russian) The religious situation in Russia at the beginning of the XXI century is diverse, heterogeneous and mobile. Public opinion polls indicate a persistent need for Russians to identify their faiths, field studies and departmental statistics indicate a rapid growth in the number of religious associations, and political leaders at the federal and regional levels take into account the religious factor both when creating national ideologies and when developing specific social programs and methods for their implementation. The main focus of the mass media is on the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church, but other religious organizations also make a significant contribution to the religious life of the country. Protestantism has a significant influence on the religious situation, although it is still poorly reflected in the public consciousness. The liturgical, social, economic, and political activities of Protestant communities are intense, extensive, and apparently indicate their great cultural potential. In this regard, it is very timely to publish an anthology that sheds light on the history of Protestantism, makes it possible to understand the place of this religion in Russian culture and presumably assess its role in the further development of the country. In addition to actual considerations, the author's own logic of science speaks in favor of creating such an anthology. A holistic understanding of Protestantism in general and Protestantism in Russia in particular is an ongoing task of historians and philosophers of religion. An ordered collection of texts of various types and contents, from medieval to modern, is an intermediate stage of religious studies reflection on the way to building an updated concept of Protestantism. The reviewed publication, despite its broad coverage - mor ... Read more

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Protestantism: pro et contra. Views and polemics of Russian authors in the XVI-early XXI century. Anthology

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