UK Keywords:, immigration, Islam, integration Migration processes in the second half of the twentieth century, as well as the need for cheap labor in the UK for post-war economic recovery, led to the emergence of large communities of representatives of Asian and African countries in the UK. Existing ties from colonial times provided a certain advantage to visitors from India and Pakistan in the 1950s, mass immigration from African countries began 10 to 15 years later-with the emergence of African states. Steady flows of workers and students were periodically "diluted" by refugees from areas of interethnic and religious conflicts. The formation of numerous immigrant communities from former colonies and the emergence of "immigrant" neighborhoods in large cities caused a series of discussions in British public and academic circles in the last third of the twentieth century. about how to consider these processes and their possible consequences. According to the UK National Statistical Service classification for the 2001 Census*, the entire population of the country was divided into 17 groups1. Their selection is not based on a purely geographical or ethnic principle, for example, immigrants from China are designated as a separate group (Chinese), and visitors from a number of Asian countries (Iran, Iraq, Sri Lanka, etc.) were enrolled in one group (Other Asian). This study focused on 4 groups that formed the most numerous and cohesive communities: Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, and Black Africans2. The first decade of the twenty-first century was marked in the UK by a number of new trends and problems related to Afro-Asian immigrants. First of all, it concerns the demographic situation. The post-war rise in the birth rate in Great Britain had stopped by the early 1960s, and the birth rate began to gradually decline. Since 1971, when the number of children per woman in the country as a whole became less than 2, natural population growth in the future ceased to compen ... Read more

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