Since ancient times, Vietnam has been influenced by Confucianism, the cult of ancestors, family and clan. The worldview of the Vietnamese people was also formed under the influence of local Eastern and Buddhist traditions. And as in most Eastern countries, the position of women in the clan, tribal community was secondary, belittled, not to mention in the whole society, within which the woman was never perceived as an independent social unit and, with the rarest exceptions, could not show her individuality. An unwanted child in a family headed by a father who always craved sons, the girl clearly felt her inferiority from an early age. Of course, the current democratic processes in Vietnamese society could not but affect this situation, and yet, the previous ideas are deeply ingrained in the minds of Vietnamese people. Our research, which was conducted for two years (2005-2006), is devoted to studying the problems of Vietnamese women and interpersonal marital relations in the modern Vietnamese family. Historically, a monogamous Vietnamese family was ruled by a father and included his descendants, their wives and children, and domestic slaves. The law required wives to fully adapt to the character of their spouses, and husbands to manage their wives as necessary property. The relationship between the spouses presupposed a clear awareness of each of their place: the husband - to take on the burden and responsibility of being the head, and the wife-to humbly take the secondary place assigned to her. The purpose of marriage was to strengthen the family (preferably consisting of males). There was a clear division of roles that determined the importance of men and women. Naturally, men had more freedom and value in the eyes of society. Women had no social status, and all decisions were made by men. The family was built on the relationship of man to man, father to son, master to heir. Raising a boy is first of all the formation of the future head, who is responsible for the ... Read more

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