In 1941, the ruling circles of bourgeois-landowner Romania, having sold the country's independence to Hitler's Germany, involved the Romanian people in a war of conquest against the USSR. At that time, the leading part of the Romanian people launched a struggle against the foreign Nazi yoke and the bloody fascist regime of Antonescu, for the national liberation and independence of their homeland. The national liberation struggle was closely intertwined with the social struggle against the landlords and the big bourgeoisie, who were the mainstay of the Nazi occupation and the Fascist regime. The bourgeois-landlord parties and the leaders of the right-wing socialists supported the fascist system and the anti-Soviet war. The national liberation and anti-fascist struggle of the Romanian workers was led by the Communist Party. In the most difficult conditions of the underground, it courageously fulfilled its duty to the working class and all working people. The Communist Party of Romania, based on the instructions of the Communist International, developed a correct political line aimed at developing a nationwide movement against fascism and the anti-Soviet war. She appealed to all patriotic and democratic parties and organizations to create a united national front of the Romanian people to fight against the Nazi occupiers and the military fascist clique of the traitor Antonescu. In the proclamation of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Romania of July 8, 1941. It was stated: "The historical responsibility of the Romanian Communist Party before the Romanian people is to organize a struggle in Romania on the side of the great Soviet people and the enslaved peoples for the destruction of bloody German fascism and its minions in all countries, for the expulsion of the German occupiers from Romania, for the overthrow of the gang of traitors in power led by Antonescu, for liberation of the country from the German bloody yoke, for the victory of the USSR, for a ... Read more

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