MGIMO Applicant(U) Russian Foreign Ministry Keywords: Myanmar, China, energy, oil and gas, pipeline In January 2015, a grand opening ceremony was held, while in test mode, of the Myanmar-China oil pipeline, which, together with the previously laid gas pipeline, symbolizes the successful outcome of bilateral cooperation in the energy field and the art of Chinese diplomacy in solving energy problems. However, the road to success was long and not easy. After the popular uprising of 1988* and the military once again came to power, a new stage of Myanmar's foreign policy and bilateral relations with China began, which continues to this day. For the first time in many years, the leaders of the Myanmar Government began to travel abroad to establish foreign policy and foreign economic relations with other states. At the same time, the country's leaders visited China more often than any other country. Myanmar was gradually opening up to the world, and many countries were looking forward to filling its market niches. To put an end to its reputation as a "rogue state," the Myanmar Government has long and carefully considered its plan for integration into international relations, with a particular focus on its closest neighbor. It was from this time that Myanmar-China good neighborly relations "paopho" (translated from Burmese. - relative) found life again and began to develop actively. At the same time, China, which pursued the policy of "hiding its abilities and biding its time", put forward by the reformer Deng Xiaoping, gradually increased trade and economic relations with its neighboring country and waited for the right time to start implementing major energy projects. For Myanmar, a positive factor in improving relations with China was the end in 1989 of the Communist Party of Burma, which had been waging a long war with government forces. Until the late 1970s, the Communist Party of Burma was sponsored by China to spread Maoism and overthrow the Burmese government.1 Howe ... Read more

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