India is committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South Asian region on a global scale-through diplomatic means and effective military deterrence. It proceeds from the fact that in recent years the threat of terrorism has increased, including that supported by some States, the threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The situation, according to the Indian leadership, is complicated by other challenges: the illegal trade in drugs, weapons, as well as the activation of groups using violence under the guise of religious fundamentalism. India traditionally adheres to the defense doctrine, the principles of non-participation in military alliances and blocs, non-use of nuclear weapons first, refusal to deploy armed forces in foreign countries (except for participation in peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the UN). However, in recent years, military and strategic circles have been discussing the possibility of using offensive tactics in some cases - in order to prevent a threat to the country's security. India's national security tactics consist of political, economic, and military measures aimed primarily at reducing or removing threats from China and Pakistan. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the changing geopolitical realities served as a powerful impetus for the development of strategic thinking in India. The USSR helped India, as some military-strategic experts believed, to resist China. In the new conditions, it was forced to develop a new strategy, while at the same time facing serious challenges and finding answers to a number of difficult questions. Among them: what is India's current and future role in the South Asian region? Is there an opportunity to strengthen India's position in Asia as a whole, given its geostrategic position near major sea routes? Is there an opportunity to strengthen India's international standing, taking into account its huge human and increased intellectual resources? How can the process of global ... Read more

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