GENERAL ELECTIONS 2015 V. P. NEMCHENKO Our sobkor in Ethiopia Keywords: Ethiopia, elections, Revolutionary Democratic Front of the Ethiopian Peoples, Blue Party, Ethiopian Federal Forum for Democratic Unity On May 24, 2015, general elections were held in Ethiopia for the lower house of Parliament, the Council of People's Representatives (SNP), and for all regional legislative assemblies except the metropolitan one. According to figures released by the National Electoral Council (INE), the ruling Ethiopian Peoples ' Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDFEN) won 500 of the 547 seats. The allies supporting him secured 46 seats, including the Somali People's Democratic Party - 24, the Beshangul-Gumuz People's Democratic Party-9, the Afara National Democratic Party - 8, the Gambel Democratic People's Unity Movement - 3, and the Harari National League and the Agroba People's Democratic Organization - one seat each. It should be noted that the RDFEN received all 23 seats in the SNP from Addis Ababa. 1 By-elections will be held for one seat. According to the NIS, out of 33.2 million citizens who participated in the voting (more than 36.8 million voters are registered in the country), 27.34 million people voted for the RDFEN. 52 parties and 9 independent candidates took part in the elections. The highest activity was observed in the Tigray region (99%), the lowest-in Gambel (60%) 2. Of the foreign observers, 59 representatives from the African Union member States alone monitored the election process. According to the statement of the head of this mission, former President of Namibia H. According to Pohamba, they visited 356 polling stations in eight regions of the country, and their conclusion was that the voting took place in a peaceful and calm atmosphere without serious incidents or violations.3 The European Union and other Western organizations were denied accreditation to monitor the voting process due to the fact that, according to official explanations, they were not suf ... Read more

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