Everson, McCollum, and Zorach: The Supreme Court and the Discussion of Church-State Relations in School Education in the United States at the Turn of the 1940s and 1950s
This article studies the situation in church-state relations in the United States in the late 1940s - early 1950s. The Supreme Court's decisions in the Everson (1947), McCollum (1948) and Zorach (1952) cases concerned the majority of U.S. religious bodies. These decisions provoked debates on the issues of the secularization of American society and cooperation between church and state in various fields. Interpretation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was an important subject of the polemics too. In its analysis of the debate, the article pays special attention to the attitude of Roman Catholic and Protestant leaders toward the issue, as well as to the disputes between and inside churches. Keywords: USA, the U.S. Supreme Court, religion, church-state relations, parochial school, public school, Protestant denominations, Catholic Church, secularization. In the MIDDLE of the 20th century, major changes took place in the religious life of the United States. In the 1940s and 1950s, several factors coincided: strengthening the position of the Roman Catholic community, which has finally "Americanized" and parted with any signs of co-existence.- Borzov A. "Everson", "McCollum", "Zorach": The Supreme Court and the Discussion around Church-State relations in the field of school education in the USA at the Turn of the 1940s and 1950s.Gosudarstvo, religiya, tserkva v Rossii I za rubezhom [State, Religion, Church in Russia and Abroad]. 2017. N 2. pp. 197-221. Borzov, Alexei (2017) "'Everson', 'McCollum', 'Zorach': The Supreme Court and the Debate on Church-State Relations in the United States in the Late 1940s - Early 1950s", Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 35(2): 197-221. page 197social and cultural isolation; the acceptance of pluralism (still according to Will Herberg's formula "Protestants-Catholics-Jews") as the norm of American religious life; the growth of the Evangelical and fundamentalist movement with the simultaneous beginning of ... Read more

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Everson, McCollum, and Zorach: The Supreme Court and the Discussion of Church-State Relations in School Education in the United States at the Turn of the 1940s and 1950s

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