2. ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECTS IN THE ENERGY SECTOR E. A. BORISOVA Candidate of Historical Sciences Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: China, energy, 12th five-year plan, environmental protection, resources, renewable energy sources China faces a huge number of internal and external challenges, one way or another related to its economic growth. One of the most urgent tasks of this country is the development of safer, more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy. External challenges in the energy sector include: 1) increased international competition for energy resources; 2) persistent or increasing volatility in energy markets; 3) climate change. Internal calls: 1) the difficult situation in the field of energy security: China is highly dependent on foreign oil; 2) increasing pressure on the environmental environment, including air, land and water resources; 3) lagging energy infrastructure, which remains large but does not meet modern requirements 1. EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL FACTORS One of the main challenges for China today is the difficult environmental situation in most Chinese cities and towns. As you know, 16 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are located in China. The reason for this was accelerated industrialization. The country's economic growth, which has averaged about 10% of annual GDP growth over the past decade, has been driven by the environment and public health. In particular, life expectancy in the north of China has decreased by 5.5 years due to air pollution, water problems (pollution and scarcity), and soil pollution and erosion.2 The depressing state of the environment leads, among other things, to increasing social discontent. The energy sector has played a significant role in the deterioration of the country's environmental situation. It is also, to a certain extent, responsible for climate change on the planet. One-third of the annual greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the Chinese indus ... Read more

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