PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT A. Y. SHAROVA Post-graduate student of the ISAA of Lomonosov Moscow State University Unified energy system Keywords:, Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf, electric power industry In the life of the six Arab countries - Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia, forming the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (GCC)1-a major event is taking place: the creation of the unified energy System (UES) of these countries is being completed. The history of the project, starting from the first steps, goes back three decades, although the main work was carried out over the past eight years. In fact, the very idea of creating a Unified Energy System in the Persian Gulf countries emerged in the late 1970s, when these countries started talking about the possible creation and introduction of alternative energy sources, in particular, the development of nuclear energy. However, the needs for generating capacities of relatively small Gulf States were so modest at that time that the construction of nuclear power plants was simply unprofitable. And combining their power systems could have a positive effect. Plans for the development of nuclear power were postponed, and the UES project received some development. In 1986, experts from the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral Resources (Saudi Arabia) and the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research prepared a feasibility study (feasibility study) for the unification of the energy systems of six states. It was expected that the energy integration process would take about 10 years, and the total cost of the project would be $1.6 billion, and it was estimated that after the completion of the work, the GCC countries would save up to $2 billion annually by abandoning the construction of new power plants and expanding existing ones. in year 2. The project provided for the creation of two separate power complexes. One was su ... Read more

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