DOCTOR OF PHILOLOGY S. V. PROZHOGINA TELLS ABOUT MODERN LITERATURE OF THE MAGHREB COUNTRIES For half a century, Svetlana Prozhogina has been studying the works of Maghreb writers living and working in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, as well as those who emigrated to Europe. These three countries have undergone numerous social and political transformations in the past century, and their peoples have experienced periods of difficult trials and different stages of the struggle for national independence, during which adherence to centuries-old traditions inevitably faced the inexorable challenges of the time. Writers, as well as all Maghreb cultural figures, experienced these processes especially painfully and difficult. They were faced with a difficult task-to reconcile the contradictory tendencies in the worldview of their fellow countrymen, to convince them to find their own, the only correct way to combine elements of the age-old way of life with the norms of cultural progress that most of the civilized world follows. The specific nature of the "literary work" (as Mayakovsky said) of the writers of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia also lies in the fact that a significant number of them live and work outside their countries, having settled in Europe, mainly in France, where they emigrated together with hundreds of thousands of their compatriots. Most of their fellow countrymen set their sights on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea in search of a better life. Writers, on the other hand, are driven to join the heights of European culture or to disagree with the political changes that have taken place in their countries. At the same time, they could not help but be interested in the problems of adapting their compatriots to the norms and traditions of European life - they devoted dozens of works to this. And some Maghreb writers managed to organically enter the European cultural environment, where they were accepted as equals. Their works are read with interest in many W ... Read more

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