ANCIENT AQUACULTURE (oyster farming in the Boisman Neolithic culture)
Introduction In 1985, we published the first article on primitive aquaculture [Rakov and Brodyansky, 1985] and a year later - its popular presentation [Brodyansky and Rakov, 1986]. As the first argument proving the cultivation of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), the species composition of mollusks presented in shell heaps on the shores of Peter the Great Bay was given: oysters absolutely dominated, although Gray's mussel, three species of scallops, spizula, cockerel and various other commercial mollusks live and are very numerous in the bay. The second argument is the age composition of the oysters produced. There were no shells of fingerlings in the waste from fishing or their share was very small (Cape Shelekh - 4 %, Naizdnik Lagoon-10 %), despite the fact that in the modern oyster beds of Peter the Great Bay, juveniles (cham) account for up to 60% of the total number (Fig. 1). There were practically no shells of old ones either. shellfish (more than three or four years old), whereas in modern populations you can always find oysters aged 10-15 years and older (oysters often live more than 40-50 years). The obvious sorting of the catch was confirmed both on the Sandy Peninsula and at the mouth of the Gladkaya River. In subsequent publications, we gave detailed arguments for the existence of primitive aquaculture in Eastern Asia (Brodyansky and Rakov, 1996, 1997; Rakov, 2003; Rakov and Brodyansky, 2006; etc.). The observations made were related to the Yankovo culture; its modern dating is from the 8th-1st centuries. Yankovtsy sowed barley, millet, raised pigs, cows, ate dog meat, caught approx. 30 species of fish (sea, passing, river) were hunted for ungulates, marine animals, waterfowl and hog birds. In this complex economy, the cultivation of oysters by people familiar with metals (cast iron and bronze products along with tools made of stone, horn, and bone) did not seem to contradict the general level of culture. Contemporaries of the Yankovites in China b ... Read more

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ANCIENT AQUACULTURE (oyster farming in the Boisman Neolithic culture)

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