FIRST RUSSIAN-MALAY DICTIONARY PUBLISHED IN MALAYSIA Keywords: Russia, Malaysia, Russian-Malay dictionary In Malaysia, the first Russian-Malay, Malay-Russian dictionary was published - "Kamus rusia melayu-melayu rusia "(Kuala Lumpur. Minda, 2013, 778 p.) with a volume of 50 thousand words (circulation of 1000 copies). The author of the dictionary is a regular contributor to our magazine, Russian orientalist V. A. Pogadaev: he currently works as a teacher of Russian at the University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur). His advisor is the National Writer of Malaysia* Anwar Ridwan. The dictionary's manuscript was prepared at the University of Malaya and published in Kuala Lumpur by Minda Publishing House. In a conversation with the editor of our magazine, V. A. Pogadaev tells about the history of the creation of Malay-Russian, Russian-Malay dictionaries in Russia-the predecessors of the one currently published in Malaysia. - Viktor Aleksandrovich, the need for a particular dictionary is dictated by external conditions - the need for communication in the field of cultural or trade relations between peoples and countries... When was the first Malay-Russian dictionary published in Russia? - Surprisingly, the first Malay dictionary in Russia appeared in the XVIII century.! At the supreme command of Empress Catherine II, the outstanding scholar Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811) compiled a comparative list of words from 180 languages and dialects, including Malay.1 Later, mainly Indonesian dictionaries were published in Russia. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and Malaysia in 1967 contributed to the appearance of new Malay dictionaries in our country. The first of them - "Malaysian-Russian-English dictionary "(15 thousand words) was published in 1977 in the publishing house "Russian Language" with a circulation of 1500 copies. Its authors: Candidate of Philology A. P. Pavlenko-Associate Professor of the Institute of Asian and African Countries of the Lom ... Read more

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