S. S. KHROMOV. The Leading Class of Soviet Society
The author takes as his subject the place held by the working class in the social structure, its role in the revolutionary-liberation struggle of the working masses, in the victory of the socialist revolution and the consolidation of the new order. The author dwells, in particular, on the hegemony of the Russian proletariat in the revolutionary struggle, on its winning political power and becoming the leading force of Soviet society, on the fact that under the guidance of the CPSU its role has been enhanced in the period of the emergence and development of mature socialism. The article contains brief account of the multi-volume work History of the Soviet Working Class prepared by the Institute of the History of the USSR, USSR Academy of Sciences.
S. V. TYUTYUKIN. The Emancipation of Labour Group and Contemporary Bourgeois Historiography
The article reviews general and specialised works dealing with the primary period of dissemination of Marxism in Russia published by bourgeois historians over the last two decades. The author refutes some versions offered by bourgeois students of the Emancipation of Labour group and discusses various tendencies of the present-day American, British, French and West German historiography in dealing with the following problems: Marxism and Narodism, Marx, Engels and the first Russian Marxists, the struggle of G. Plekhanov against Russian and international opportunism, the Emancipation of Labour group and Lenin's Iskra.
M. A. OKUNEVA. The Working Class as the Leading Force of the Cuban Revolution
The author takes as her subject the role of the working class as the decisive force of the Cuban revolution. The article convincingly demonstrates that the impact of the proletarian ideology on the left forces of revolutionary democracy which led the revolution, active participation of workers in revolutionary struggle, the role of the strike movement, the influence of the working class on the radicalisation of the peasantry, the middle strata and the youth, the heroic struggle of Communists have contributed to the consolidation of the leading role of the working class in the Cuban revolution.
A. A. KOKOREV. The Stages of Arms Race
The author offers his periodisation, spanning the period between 1945 to our day, of the efforts exerted by the US imperialist circles aimed at gaining superiority over the USSR and the socialist community through creating new systems of weapons and at being able to act from a position of strength. He has demonstrated that the United States always took the lead in the arms race while the Soviet Union, in its attempt to retain the balance of forces, had to react to American moves in this field. The article gives a substantiation of the adventurist militarist course of the Reagan Administration and describes the struggle waged by the USSR for peace, against the threat of nuclear war.
E. S. GOLUBTSOVA, Yu. A. ZAVENYAGIN. Once More on "New Methods" and the Ancient World Chronology
The authors give a critical analysis and reveal the erroneousness of M. Postnikov's and A. Fomenko's point of view who have posed themselves a task of confirming and in some cases of modernising, with the help of "new methods", of N. Morozov's conception which was forwarded more than half a century ago, on new dates for ancient and mediaeval events and on shifting the events of antiquity to the late Middle Ages. The article deals, mostly, with astronomical evidence-the location of planets and stars, the solar and lunar eclipses which had taken place in antiquity and the early Middle Ages. The astronomical data confirm the traditional chronology and refute the "new methods" conception. The works of its authors abound in errors and strained interpretations.
стр. 190
"Problems of History", No. 12, 1983
Articles: S. S. Khrornov. The Leading Class of Soviet Society; S. V. Tyutyukin. The Emancipation of Labour Group and Contemporary Bourgeois Historiography; M. A. Okuneva. The Working Class as the Leading Force of the Cuban Revolution; A. A. Kokorev. The Stages of Arms Race; E. S. Golubtsova, Yu. A. Zavenyagin. Once More on "New Methods" and the Ancient World Chronology. Essays on the History of Culture of the Peoples of the USSR. G. E. Markov. Life Styles of the Turkmen in the 19th-Early 20th Century; Historical Essays: Z. V. Udaltsova, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Early Byzantine Diplomacy. Historical Science in the USSR and Abroad. S. O. Schmidt. Academician M. Tikhomirov's Heritage: G. I. Chernyavsky. New Materials and Studies on the Life and Work of Georgy Dimitrov. Book Reviews: Lenin and Revolution. 1905; E. D. Oskolkova. Problems of the Methodology and Historiography of Lenin's Conception of NEP; V. V. Shelokhaev. Constitutional Democrats (Cadets)-the Main Liberal- Bourgeois Party in the Struggle Against the 1905 - 1907 Revolution. Russia at the Turn of the 16th Century. Essays on Socio-Political History; I. N. Zemskov. A Diplomatic History of the Second Front in Europe; G. F. Kim. From the National to Social Liberation Socio-Political Aspects of the National-Liberation Revolutions Today; E. Yu. Polyakova. Ulster: Sources and Tragedies; I. I. Sladkovsky. China and Britain; Discussions on the Contemporary Epoch. Basic Problems of the Contemporary History in the Light of the Critical Analysis of Bourgeois Historiography (Berlin). Facts. Events, People. Articles in Soviet and Foreign Historical Journals. New Books in the USSR and Abroad. Contents of "Problems of History" for 1983.
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