Introductory article, translation from ancient Greek and commentary by S. M. Perevalov (c)2001 FLAVII ARRIANI ACIES CONTRA ALANOS Greek military literature is poorly known here, primarily due to the lack of modern Russian translations. Alphonse Deng (1896-1964), the greatest expert on this literature, distinguished the following types of treatises on land warfare: strategists, tactics, poliorquetiques, strategemes1 . A Russian-speaking reader who is interested in Greek military theory, but is not equipped with knowledge of the original language, can, using translated sources, form with varying degrees of completeness some idea of three of its four directions. He will get acquainted with what was included in the tasks of the commander (strategy) from pre-revolutionary translations of the works of Onasander and Maurice 2 ; he will learn about the techniques of siege warfare (polyorquetics) from translations of the works of Apollodorus, Athenaeus, the Byzantine Anonymous (VDI. 1940. N 1, 3/4) 3 and Aeneas Tacticus (VDI. 1965. N 1-2); for knowledge of military tricks (strategems) he will have to refer to an old edition of the translation of Polienus the Macedonian 4 . But regarding the most widespread art of field warfare (tactics) in antiquity and the favorite genre of military writers - tactical manuals-the inquisitive reader will remain in the dark: they are not available in Russian, except for minor excerpts from Arrian's "Tactics" in B. B. Latyshev's "Scythica et Caucasica" (SC. G. P. 521; VDI. 1948. N 1. P. 406). Arriane has another work on tactics - a unique "Disposition against the enemy". Dain A. 1 Les strategistes byzantins / / TM. 2. R., 1967. p. 318. Onasander. 2 Instructions to military leaders, St. Petersburg, 1828; Mauritius. Tactics and strategy / Translated from Latinsk. Tsybysheva, St. Petersburg, 1903. 3 Reprinted in: Greek Poliorquetiki. Flavius Vegetius Renat. St. Petersburg, 1996. Polyen. 4 Strategems. St. Petersburg, 1842. page 236 alanov". Relat ... Read more

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